Article ID: CBB788064945

Rape of the lock: note on nineteenth-century hair fetishists (2019)


The ostensibly bizarre crime of braid-cutting invited occasional alienist inferences from the late 1850s onwards, until it entered mid-1880s police profiles and forensic-psychiatric taxonomies as a corollary of perversion, specifically sadism and fetishism. Cases were rare, but were reported as late as the mid-1930s and enduringly cited as encompassing a staple variety of fetishism. This note briefly reconstructs entries in German, French and English forensic psychiatry, sexual psychopathology and psychoanalysis.

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Authors & Contributors
Wulf, Stefan
Ashley, Susan A.
Bourke, Joanna
Gyimesi, Júlia
Kelly, Brendan D.
Meer, Theo van der
Social History of Medicine
Medizinhistorisches Journal
French Historical Studies
History of Psychiatry
History of the Human Sciences
Bloomsbury Academic
Springer International Publishing
Sexual behavior
Mental disorders and diseases
Forensic psychiatry
Freud, Sigmund
Bonaparte, Marie
Brierre de Boismont, Alexandre-Jacques-François
Charcot, Jean Martin
Geschwind, Norman
Gross, Otto
Time Periods
20th century, early
19th century
20th century
20th century, late
21st century
18th century
Berlin (Germany)

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