Article ID: CBB784286980

‘From an Impure Source, All Is Impure’: The Rise and Fall of Andrija Štampar’s Public Health Eugenics in Yugoslavia (2016)


Andrija Štampar (1888–1958) was one of the leading public health activists in the first half of the twentieth century. In the countries of former Yugoslavia he is remembered as the pivotal public health figure, a man who led the project of building 250 health institutions during his tenure in the Ministry of Public Health (1919–1931). Internationally, historians acknowledge his role as the president of the Interim Commission (1946–1948) in the development of the World Health Organization. This paper will explore a lesser-known side of Štampar, reinterpreting him as a eugenicist concerned with the biological quality of the Yugoslav population in the aftermath of the First World War. I will present his development as a eugenicist through three phases, and provide socioeconomic, scientific and personal contexts that shaped his evolving relationship with eugenics.

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Authors & Contributors
Turda, Marius
Abraham, Thomas
Cipriani, Giovanni
Cooper, D.
Doyle, Barry M.
Evans, Andrew David
Medizin, Gesellschaft, und Geschichte
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Central European History
Historical Research: The Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research
Korean Journal of Medical History
Medical History
Indiana University
Bloomsbury Publishing
Central European University Press
Franco Angeli
Palgrave Macmillan
Public health
World War I
Medicine and the military; medicine in war
Infectious diseases
Health care
Time Periods
20th century, early
20th century
21st century
United States
Great Britain
Central Europe
World Health Organization (WHO)
American Red Cross
Red Cross Societies

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