Book ID: CBB783510231

Rulers and Capital in Historical Perspective: State Formation and Financial Development in India and the United States (2017)


Chatterjee, Abhishek (Author)

Temple University Press

Publication Date: 2017
Physical Details: ix + 173; tables, references, notes, index
Language: English

Rulers and Capital in Historical Perspective explains why modern banking and credit systems emerged in the nineteenth century only in certain countries that then subsequently industrialized and became developed. Tracing the contemporaneous cases of India and the United States over time, Abhishek Chatterjee identifies the factors that were crucial to the development and regulation of a modern banking and credit system in the United States during the first third of the nineteenth century. He contrasts this situation with India’s, where the state never formally incorporated a sophisticated private credit system, and thus relegated it to the sphere of the informal economy. Chatterjee identifies certain features in both societies, often—though not always—associated with colonialism, that tended to restrict the formation of modern institutionalized money and credit markets. Rulers and Capital in Historical Perspective demonstrates thatnotwithstanding the many other differences between the North American colonies (prior to independence), and India, the same facets of their relationships with Great Britain prevented the emergence of a modern banking system in the two respective societies. (Amazon)

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Authors & Contributors
Kapoor, R. C.
Orchiston, Wayne
Murphy, Sharon Ann
Atack, Jeremy
Borch, Christian
Breslau, Daniel
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
Social Studies of Science
American Quarterly
Business History Review
Journal of Economic History
International Journal of Historical Archaeology
University of Chicago Press
The University of Chicago Press
Cambridge University Press
Harvard University Press
Oxford University Press
Banks and banking
Business history
Great Britain, colonies
Charles Perrow
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
21st century
18th century
20th century, early
United States
Great Britain
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
East India Company (English)
Pennsylvania Railroad

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