The debate surrounding the implications of use of computers and online media in our schools is presently an ongoing conversation in scholarly and educational circles. As a contribution to this conversation, the paper discusses the tentative findings of a two-year case study at Kamiak Cyberschool, a technology based public high school for credit deficient juniors and seniors in Mukilteo School District, Mukilteo, Washington. The background information is first given and the research methodology is detailed next. Parameters of data used for the paper are briefly noted. The findings will be organized around responses to four questions: (1) has the Cyberschool engaged its students? (2) To what extent has the program been successful and unsuccessful? (3) To what extent has the use of online media contributed to the success of students? (4) What are the female students telling us in this technology based academic environment? The symbiotic model of this working cyberschool as constructed through the perspective of its students is then portrayed. This model points to a set of interconnected factors that the students see as essential to their improved learning at this Cyberschool.
...MoreBook Center., IEEE History; Committee., IEEE Women in Engineering (1999) Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society.
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Educational Computers in New Zealand Schools: 1977 to 1983
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Nos, Richard;
The Social Shaping of Logo
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A Three-Person Teaching Machine Designed for Crisis: The Geromat III in Berlin and Ulm
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