Chiles, James R. (Author)
Although city-to-city travel by dirigible proved too dangerous and impractical in the 1930s, a spate of fantasy literature imagines a world with these mammoth airships.
...MoreArticle Schwarz, Frederic (Winter 2007) Machine Politics. American Heritage of Invention and Technology.
Article Schwarz, Frederic (Summer 2006) Bang! Bang! You're History. American Heritage of Invention and Technology.
Article Schwarz, Frederic (Fall 2006) Span attention. American Heritage of Invention and Technology.
Article Davidson, Martha (Spring 2007) From the Garage to the Smithsonian. American Heritage of Invention and Technology.
Article Schwarz, Frederic (Spring 2007) Better Safe than Sexy. American Heritage of Invention and Technology.
Article Frederic D. Schwartz (Summer 2007) A pair of World War II relics are still going strong: LORAN and the Pentagon. American Heritage of Invention and Technology (pp. 8-9).
Article Chiles, James R. (Summer 2008) Stressed Infrastructure. American Heritage of Invention and Technology (pp. 8-11).
Article Arlen, Gary (Spring 2010) Broadband Velocity. American Heritage of Invention and Technology.
Article Allen, Frederick (Fall 2006) Inventors of the Year. American Heritage of Invention and Technology.
Article Bell, Gordon; Gemmell, Jim (Fall 2009) Total recall. American Heritage of Invention and Technology (pp. 12-14).
Article Vatz, Mara E. (Spring 2009) Long Live Vacuum Tubes. American Heritage of Invention and Technology (pp. 12-14).
Wolverton, Mark;
(Winter 2011)
A Flying Car in every Garage?
Schwarz, Frederic;
(Spring 2007)
Sometimes a Dumb Notion
Lente, Dick van;
Robots And Healthcare: The Deep Roots of a Technological Fix
M. Houston Johnson;
Taking Flight: the foundations of American commercial aviation, 1918-1938
Wohleber, Curt;
(Summer 2006)
The Blimp Barns
Nirgiotis, Nicholas;
(Summer 2006)
Blimps at War
David Bristow;
Flight to the Top of the World: The Adventures of Walter Wellman
Moise, Robeson S.;
Balloons and Dirigibles
Urmson, Chris;
(Spring 2015)
Progress in Self-Driving Vehicles
Cristina Andrea Sereni;
Digital Nomos and the new world order: Towards a theological critique of Silicon Valley
Kevin Driscoll;
The Modem World: A Prehistory of Social Media
Rénald Fortier;
Tout le monde à bord pour le Klondike. Le merveilleux aéronautique et quelques projets de vols vers les gisements aurifères du nord canadien, 1897-1898
Althoff, William F.;
Arctic Mission: 90 North by Airship and Submarine
Swinfield, John;
Airship: Design, Development and Disaster
Braun, Helmut;
Das “Wundergas” Helium, die US-amerikanische Innenpolitik und die deutschen Zeppeline
El-Zoghbi, Christine J.;
Airship Advocates: Innovation in the United States Navy's Rigid Airship Program
Gijs Mom;
Globalizing automobilism : Exuberance and the emergence of layered mobility, 1900-1980
Dorotea Gucciardo;
'Another of those Mad, Wild, Schemes': Canadian Inventions to win the Second World War.
Alan D. Meyer;
Why fly? A social and cultural history of private aviation in post-World War II America: 1945–1985
Tyler Morton;
From Kites to Cold War: The Evolution of Manned Airborne Reconnaissance
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