Book ID: CBB768759908

Grassroots Leviathan: Agricultural Reform and the Rural North in the Slaveholding Republic (2020)


Ariel Ron (Author)

The Johns Hopkins University Press

Publication Date: 2020
Edition Details: Book Series: Studies in early American economy and society from the Library Company of Philadelphia.
Physical Details: 324
Language: English

Author Ron traces how middle-class farmers in the "Greater Northeast" built a movement of semi-public agricultural societies, fairs, and periodicals that, together, fundamentally recast the relationship of rural people to market forces and governing structures. A novelty of his historical interpretation is that he posits agrarian reform in the North as an antithesis to the slaveholding South rather than industrialization as has been traditionally juxtaposed with the South's plantation economy. (Publisher)

Reviewed By

Review Barrie Blatchford (2022) Review of "Grassroots Leviathan: Agricultural Reform and the Rural North in the Slaveholding Republic". Agricultural History (pp. 291-293). unapi

Review Franklin Sammons (Summer 2021) Review of "Grassroots Leviathan: Agricultural Reform and the Rural North in the Slaveholding Republic". Business History Review (pp. 346-348). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Allen, Francis H.
Campanella, Thomas J.
Cookson, Gillian
Donahue, Brian
Dudley, Anu King
Frank, Marti Jaye
Railroad History
Environmental History
Historical Archaeology
Harvard University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT
Brandeis University
Boydell Press
James Currey
Agriculture and state
Land transportation
Science and society
Bartram, John
Bartram, William
Thoreau, Henry David
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
20th century
17th century
20th century, early
21st century
New England (U.S.)
United States
South America
New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company

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