Article ID: CBB758247890

Legal Person- or Agenthood of Artificial Intelligence Technologies (2020)


Artificial intelligence (AI) is developing rapidly. There are technologies available that fulfil several tasks better than humans can and even behave like humans to some extent. Thus, the situation prompts the question whether AI should be granted legal person- and/or agenthood? There have been similar situations in history where the legal status of slaves or indigenous peoples was discussed. Still, in those historical questions, the subjects under study were always natural persons, i.e., they were living beings belonging to the species Homo sapiens. We analyse the situation from moral-ethical and practical perspectives. The final conclusion is that the currently existing AIs are still so far removed from humans that there is simply no need to think seriously about legal person- or agenthood. Doing so would mean imposing obligations on the AI to follow. This, in turn, would mean that certain rights in relation to those obligations would have to be granted as well. By all evidence, this is something that humans are not ready to do yet and might never get that far.

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Authors & Contributors
Asaro, Peter M.
Bertolaso, Marta
Bowman, Diana M.
Marcos, Alfredo
Thao Phan
Yoshua Bengio
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews
Science as Culture
Laboratorio dell'ISPF
MIT Press
Carocci Editore
Duke University Press
University of California Press
Artificial intelligence
Technology and ethics
Technology and society
Human-machine interaction
Computers and computing
Machine learning
Time Periods
21st century
20th century, late
20th century
European Union
South Africa
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