Pecere, Paolo (Author)
Che cos’è la mente? Che rapporto ha con il corpo? Quali sono le basi delle capacità cognitive e dell’identità personale? Nell’attuale indagine su questi temi, che coinvolgono la filosofia, la psicologia e la neurofisiologia, si rintracciano problemi, idee e argomentazioni che risalgono all’epoca della rivoluzione scientifica, eppure i filosofi della mente e i neuroscienziati raramente ne tengono conto. Il volume presenta una storia critica di tali ricerche dal Seicento a oggi mettendo in evidenza gli elementi di continuità e discontinuità tra gli studi contemporanei e gli antecedenti moderni. Offre inoltre esposizioni critiche e aggiornate delle opere di autori classici come Cartesio, Spinoza, Locke, Kant e Freud, ed esamina i fondamenti filosofici dei modelli delle neuroscienze cognitive, prestando particolare attenzione a questioni quali l’interpretazione metafisica dei dati scientifici, il riduzionismo materialistico e la mente animale. [Abstract translated by DeepL Translator: This is the abstract in English… What is the mind? How does it relate to the body? What are the foundations of cognitive abilities and personal identity? In the current investigation of these issues, involving philosophy, psychology and neurophysiology, problems, ideas and arguments are traced back to the age of the scientific revolution, yet philosophers of the mind and neuroscientists rarely take them into account. This volume presents a critical history of such research from the seventeenth century to the present by highlighting the elements of continuity and discontinuity between contemporary studies and modern antecedents. It also offers critical and up-to-date expositions of the works of classic authors such as Descartes, Spinoza, Locke, Kant and Freud, and examines the philosophical underpinnings of models of cognitive neuroscience, paying particular attention to issues such as metaphysical interpretation of scientific data, materialistic reductionism and the animal mind.]
Federico Boccaccini;
Anna Marmodoro;
Powers, Abilities and Skills in Early Modern Philosophy
Gianni Paganini;
Il dubbio dei moderni. Una storia dello scetticismo
Uttal, William R.;
Mind and Brain: A Critical Appraisal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Casey, Brian Patrick;
Against the Materialists: John Carew Eccles, Karl Raimund Popper and the Ghost in the Machine
Renee England;
Rethinking emotion as a natural kind: Correctives from Spinoza and hierarchical homology
Eric Watkins;
Kant on Materialism
Bassiri, Nima;
Material Translations in the Cartesian Brain
Daniel J. DeFranco;
A History of Human Physiology and 17th C. Philosophy: Descartes, Spinoza, and the Current State of Neuroscience
Sorell, Tom;
Rogers, G. A. J.;
Kraye, Jill;
Scientia in Early Modern Philosophy: Seventeenth-Century Thinkers on Demonstrative Knowledge from First Principles
Habinek, Lianne;
“Such Wondrous Science”: Brain and Metaphor in Early Modern English Literature
Enrico Giannetto;
Giulia Giannini;
Da Archimede a Majorana: la fisica nel suo divenire
Koetsier, Teun;
Bergmans, Luc;
Mathematics and the Divine: A Historical Study
Nolan, Lawrence;
Primary and Secondary Qualities: The Historical and Ongoing Debate
Gaudemard, Lynda;
Les “marques d'envie”: métaphysique et embryologie chez Descartes
Collins, John;
Meta-Scientific Eliminativism: A Reconsideration of Chomsky's Review of Skinner's Verbal Behavior
Gillot, Pascale;
La question de l'intériorité mentale à l'âge classique
Ernst Bloch;
Avicenna and the Aristotelian Left
Damasio, Antonio R.;
Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Feeling Brain
Boden, Margaret A.;
Mind as Machine: A History of Cognitive Science
Cordeschi, Roberto;
The Discovery of the Artificial Behavior, Mind and Machines before and beyond Cybernetics
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