Article ID: CBB747521102

Managing ‘Wicked’ Technoscientific Problems: The Postnormal Science of Risk Narratives (2023)


Radioactive waste management in Malaysia remains a wicked problem, the result of extracting technoscientific knowledge for techno-economic and industrial science purposes. Early policies were not cognizant of the full extent of these risks. Moreover, wicked problems are complex problems that emerged out of interactions as a result of particular ecological conditions. Postnormal science (PNS) becomes the framework for the negotiation of these complexities. Science-based problem-solving is broadened to include non-science epistemologies, which enables the legitimation of participatory epistemic interventions from lay experts. The problems encountered in radioactive waste management resulted from the high-stake uncertainties involved in measuring and evaluating risks and their causes. Wicked problems arise when there are disagreements over the governance of risk; incomplete information received as a result of obtuseness in the decision-making process, or in the blackboxing of the risks occurrences and mechanisms of predictions; and contextual interpretations of data provided by different expert stakeholders that could culminate into misinformation. Wicked problems in the two cases to be discussed will be considered through these lenses: ambivalence over technoscientific authorities and the structures of (dis)trust, the over-reducibility of complex technoscientific problems, and the difficulties in enacting extended peer review when participatory practices were traditionally excluded from policy-making.

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Authors & Contributors
Evans, Robert
Collins, Harry M.
Weinel, Martin
Hoeyer, Klaus
Kim, Hyomin
Levidow, Les
Social Studies of Science
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
Science as Culture
Science, Technology, and Human Values
Spontaneous Generations
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
The MIT Press
Science and technology studies (STS)
Authority of science
Risk management
Public policy
Collins, Harry M.
Foucault, Michel
Bolsonaro, Jair
Time Periods
21st century
20th century, late
Malay; Malaysia
Great Britain
European Union
Posiva Oy

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