Article ID: CBB746873206

Extractivist epistemologies (2022)


This paper develops an account and critique of extractivist epistemologies, which are generated by extractivist projects. I argue that certain metaphysical and epistemological ideas and practices emerge from extractivist projects, and these ideas and practices have influenced the development of Western epistemologies. After presenting a critique, I develop four correct epistemic norms to counteract the effect of extracivist epistemologies: these all center on the question of relationships among knowers and the contextual embeddedness of knowledges.

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Authors & Contributors
Sonja van Wichelen
Darling, Katherine Weatherford
Hinman, Sarah Elizabeth
Leonelli, Sabina
Levin, Luciano
Poel, Ibo Van de
Science, Technology, and Human Values
Social Studies of Science
Engineering Studies
Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society
Science and technology studies (STS)
Knowledge and learning
Values (philosophy)
Life sciences
Latour, Bruno
Time Periods
21st century
Great Britain
Colorado (U.S.)
Long-Term Ecological Research Network (LTER)

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