Gasparri, Giuliano (Author)
This essay highlights several elements that reveal the affinity between Pierre Gassendi’s physics and the naturalism of Italian Renaissance philosophy: the idea that nature cannot be interpreted except by referring to finalistic schemes; the thesis of the intrinsic activity of matter; the conception of absolute space and time; and gnoseological sensism. These very ideas represented reasons for contrast with the philosophy of the contemporary René Descartes, but eventually they were adopted in the dominant current of modern science. The intellectual narrative of Gassendi thus offers one of the most striking examples of the continuity in the history of ideas between the Renaissance and the modern age. Special attention is paid to a comparison of Gassendi’s thought with the philosophy of nature of Bernardino Telesio, Francesco Patrizi, and Tommaso Campanella.
Simone Bresci;
Entia appetunt consimilia sibi: senso, conservazione e somiglianza da Telesio a Campanella
Germana Ernst;
Atomi, provvidenza, segni celesti: il dialogo epistolare fra Campanella e Gassendi
Schuhmann, Karl;
Zur Entstehung des neuzeitlichen Zeitbegriffs: Telesio, Patrizi, Gassendi
Sylvie Taussig;
Gassendi et Campanella: dialogue de l'héliotrope et du soleil
Bernardino Telesio e la cultura napoletana: [Atti del Convegno “Bernardino Telesio e la Cultura Napoletana”, 15 - 17 dicembre 1989]
Giancarlo Zanier;
La presenza di Patrizi nella filosofia naturale di Daniel Sennert
Roberto Bondí;
Dangerous Ideas: Telesio, Campanella and Galileo
Anna Laura Puliafito Bleuel;
Strategie retoriche? Metafora ed esempio nella filosofia naturale di Francesco Patrizi
Jean-Paul De Lucca;
The Art of History Writing as the Foundation of the Sciences
Leen Spruit;
«Nonnulla ex Telesio»: on the Reception of Telesio in the Seventeenth-Century
Roberto Bondì;
Le edizioni del De iride di Telesio
Saverio Ricci;
Campanella. Apocalisse e governo universale
Vittorio Frajese;
Fonti ebraiche nel naturalismo italiano del Cinquecento e del Seicento
Elisabeth Blum;
Paul Richard Blum;
Panpsychism prevents Atheism: Campanella’s Strategy of Natural Philosophy
Bruno Á. Granada;
Bruno e Campanella sulle novità celesti e le leggi di natura
Luthy, Christoph;
Murdoch, John E.;
Newman, William R.;
Late Medieval and Early Modern Corpuscular Matter Theories
Emanuela Scribano;
I sociniani, Leibniz e Gassendi. Concorso divino e materia eterna
James Hankins;
Political meritocracy in Renaissance Italy : the virtuous republic of Francesco Patrizi of Siena
Maria Conforti;
Tracce campanelliane nella medicina italiana del Seicento
Fabio Seller;
Le exorbitantiae e l'interitus mundi nel pensiero di Campanella
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