Latas, Joana (Author)
Pape, Duarte (Author)
Simões, Ana I. (Author)
The team led by astronomer A.S. Eddington observed the total solar eclipse of 29 May 1919 from Sundy Plantation situated on the African island of Príncipe. Together with observations made in Brazil by the other British team, these results proved the light-ending prediction put forward by Albert Einstein. Over the past 100 years, during a long period of inattention, plaques were erected at Sundy Plantation at different times and at various locations to commemorate this important scientific event. With one exception, the locations of these plaques varied, mainly as a result of logistical constraints, rather than historical research. At the centenary celebrations of the 1919 eclipse organized by Eddington at Sundy: 100 Years Later, the exact site where the observations took place was identified. As a result of interdisciplinary teamwork involving experts in history of science, mathematics, architecture and anthropology, members of the local community and a Santomean artist, the exact location of the observations has now been artistically sign-posted. This research paper discusses the convoluted process that led to this identification. Furthermore, it argues that besides the intrinsic value of interdisciplinary research, this identification empowered local communities by enhancing their collective memory of a ground-breaking scientific event that is indelibly tied to their past, while boosting their development through scientific education and communication.
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Heredity Explored: Between Public Domain and Experimental Science, 1850-1930
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New Directions in Theology and Science: Beyond Dialogue
Simões, Ana;
Carneiro, Ana;
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No Shadow of a Doubt: The 1919 Eclipse That Confirmed Einstein's Theory of Relativity
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Finding King Janaméjaya’s Eclipse
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Mask of the Sun: The Science, History and Forgotten Lore of Eclipses
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The Provenance of Early Chinese Records of Large Solar Eclipses and the Determination of the Earth’s Rotation
Goschler, Constantin;
Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit in Berlin, 1870-1930
González-Silva, Matiana;
Herran, Néstor;
Ideology, Elitism and Social Commitment: Alternative Images of Science in Two fin de siècle Barcelona Newspapers
Mergoupi-Savaidou, Eirini;
Papanelopoulou, Faidra;
Tzokas, Spyros;
The Public Image(s) of Science and Technology in the Greek Daily Press, 1908--1910
Andersen, Casper;
Hjermitslev, Hans H.;
Directing Public Interest: Danish Newspaper Science 1900--1903
Withers, Charles;
Higgitt, Rebekah;
Finnegan, Diarmid;
Historical Geographies of Provincial Science: Themes in the Setting and Reception of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in Britain and Ireland, 1831--c.1939
Sara Spike;
Mayflowers and Sleeping Johnnies: Nature-Study, Local Knowledge, and A. H. MacKay’s Phenological Research in Rural Nova Scotia, 1892-1925
Lavine, Matthew;
The First Atomic Age: Scientists, Radiations, and the American Public, 1895--1945
Jennifer Bowen;
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