Gilroy, John (Author)
This book explores the significance of flight to Romantic literature. Although the Romantic movement and the age of ballooning coincided, there has been a curious and long-time tendency to forget that flight was not impossible during this period. This study details the importance of this new technology to Romantic authors, primarily English Romantic poets. It combines accounts of the exploits and experiences of early balloonists with references to Romantic texts, using ballooning lore to illuminate a range of Romantic writings. The balloonists are seen as not just supplying these writers with a new code of metaphors, but as colleagues engaged in similarly imaginative enterprises. The book uncovers an ‘aerial imagination’ shared by a large number of writers in the Romantic period that has its origins in the balloon adventures of the 1780s and following two decades. It will appeal to scholars and students of Romantic cultural history, as well as those interested in Romantic poetry and the history of early aeronautics.
Masson, Scott;
Romanticism, Hermeneutics and the Crisis of the Human Sciences
Crouch, Tom D.;
Thomas Kirkby: Pioneer aeronaut in Ohio
Kalas, Rayna;
Frame, Glass, Verse: The Technology of Poetic Invention in the English Renaissance
Maierhofer, Waltraud;
Goethe and Forestry
Amanda Jo Goldstein;
Sweet Science: Romantic Materialism and the New Logics of Life
Sommer, Marianne;
The Romantic Cave? The Scientific and Poetic Quests for Subterranean Spaces in Britain
Holland, Jocelyn;
German Romanticism and Science: The Procreative Poetics of Goethe, Novalis, and Ritter
Jackson, Noel;
Science and Sensation in Romantic Poetry
Allard, James Robert;
“Bare of Laurel”: The Poet's Body and the Romantic Poet-Physician
Goldstein, Amanda Jo;
“Sweet Science”: Romantic Materialism and the New Sciences of Life
Higgins, John Robert;
Fossil Poetry, the Birth of Geology, and the Romantic Imagination, 1790--1860
Joseph Fletcher;
Quid's Pantheism: William Blake as Natural Philosopher
Clare Brant;
Balloon Madness: Flights of Imagination in Britain, 1783-1786
Arecco, Davide;
Mongolfiere, Scienze e Lumi nel tardo Settecento: Cultura Accademica e Conoscenze Tecniche dalla Vigilia della Rivoluzione Francese all'età Napoleonica
Thébaud-Sorger, Marie;
L'aérostation au temps des Lumières
Kim, Mi Gyung;
Balloon Mania: News in the Air
Brant, Clare;
The Progress of Knowledge in the Regions of Air? Divisions and Disciplines in Early Ballooning
Lynn, Michael R.;
Consumerism and the Rise of Balloons in Europe at the End of the Eighteenth Century
Patrick Luiz Sullivan De Oliveira;
Martyrs Made in the Sky: The Zénith Balloon Tragedy and the Construction of the French Third Republic's First Scientific Heroes
Scamehorn, H. Lee;
Balloons to Jets: A Century of Aeronautics in Illinois, 1855-1955
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