Book ID: CBB739864269

Haunting Biology: Science and Indigeneity in Australia (2023)


Kowal, Emma (Author)

Duke University Press

Publication Date: 2023
Physical Details: 264
Language: English

In Haunting Biology Emma Kowal recounts the troubled history of Western biological studies of Indigenous Australians and asks how we now might see contemporary genomics, especially that conducted by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander scientists. Kowal illustrates how the material persistence of samples over decades and centuries folds together the fates of different scientific methodologies. Blood, bones, hair, comparative anatomy, human biology, physiology, and anthropological genetics all haunt each other across time and space, together with the many racial theories they produced and sustained. The stories Kowal tells feature a variety of ghostly presences: a dead anatomist, a fetishized piece of hair hidden away in a war trunk, and an elusive white Indigenous person. By linking this history to contemporary genomics and twenty-first-century Indigeneity, Kowal outlines the fraught complexities, perils, and potentials of studying Indigenous biological difference in the twenty-first century.

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Authors & Contributors
Margo Neale
Turnbull, Paul
Anderson, Warwick H.
Ashby, Jack
Bostanci, Adam
Chadarevian, Soraya de
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
Environmental history
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Archives of Natural History
Comparative Studies in Society and History
Current Anthropology
Thames & Hudson
University of Pennsylvania
Bloomsbury Academic
Palgrave Macmillan
University of Chicago Press
University of Washington Press
Indigenous peoples; indigeneity
Science and race
Human remains
Duckworth, Wynfrid Laurence Henry
Rolleston, George
Turner, William
Macalister, Alexander
Flower, William Henry
Allport, Morton
Time Periods
19th century
21st century
Early modern
20th century
20th century, early
Torres Strait
North America
Great Britain
United States
Hawaii (U.S.)

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