Article ID: CBB738541204

Living Then and Now with Gold and Mercury (2023)


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Authors & Contributors
Abbri, Ferdinando
Alfonso-Goldfarb, Ana Maria
Bilak, Donna
Curtis, Kent A
Deleplace, Ghislain
Ferraz, Marcia Helena Mendes
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity
British Journal for the History of Science
Histoire & Mesure
Renaissance Studies
Technology and Culture
University of Washington Press
University Press of Colorado
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Wetlands (publisher)
Renaissance Books
Metals and metallic compounds
Mercury (element)
Mines and mining
Environmental history
Albertus Magnus
Boerhaave, Herman
Helmont, Jan Baptista van
Mathesius, Johann
Stahl, Georg Ernst
Time Periods
19th century
13th century
16th century
18th century
20th century
California (U.S.)
United States
Pacific Northwest (North America)
Paris (France)

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