Review ID: CBB735122415

Review of "Plunder for Profit: A Socio-environmental History of Tobacco Farming in Southern Rhodesia and Zimbabwe" (2024)


In Plunder for Profit: A Socio-environmental History of Tobacco Farming in Southern Rhodesia and Zimbabwe, Elijah Doro examines the effects of tobacco farming on rural physical and social landscapes. He draws on the experiences of tobacco stakeholders across the colonial-postcolonial divide to frame “farming landscapes as socio-environmental sites of struggle on which human and nature interact to produce not only new ecosystems and environment change but also new relations of society” (13). More broadly, the book speaks to the burgeoning scholarship on commodities and their place in global and local socioeconomic and environmental entanglements over time and space. Thus, by wading into the hitherto largely understudied environmental dimension of tobacco farming in Zimbabwe, Doro sheds light on the intersection of global and local commodity historical experiences and discourses.

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