Book ID: CBB731957979

Vivere sull'acqua: Molinari, màsene e molende (2024)


Bruno Avesani (Author)

Cierre edizioni

Publication Date: 2024
Physical Details: 84 pp.
Language: Italian

Il duro lavoro di schiacciare i grani dei cereali per ottenere la farina ha segnato la vita dell’uomo in ogni epoca. Nell’antichità il compito era delegato a schiavi e animali, con l’utilizzazione della forza dell’acqua si è trasformato in una professione svolta da abili artigiani, i molinari, tanto indispensabili quanto intraprendenti, molto richiesti, talvolta anche contestatori, ma non sempre amati dal popolo, che aveva bisogno di pane a buon mercato. Nel libro si illustra il lungo percorso che ha portato all’invenzione del mulino ad acqua, alle sue diverse utilizzazioni (mulini da grano e gualchiere) e alle sue diverse collocazioni (mulini terragni e mulini sull’acqua dei fiumi). A guidare la narrazione sono sempre le figure dei molinari con le loro vicende e le loro sofferenze, certamente esperti nel “tirar l’acqua al proprio mulino”, sempre però in balìa del moto violento della storia. [Abstract translated by Google Translate: This is the abstract in English… The hard work of crushing cereal grains to obtain flour has marked the life of man in every era. In ancient times the task was delegated to slaves and animals, with the use of the power of water it was transformed into a profession carried out by skilled craftsmen, the millers, as indispensable as they were enterprising, in great demand, sometimes even protestors, but not always loved by the people, who needed cheap bread. The book illustrates the long path that led to the invention of the water mill, its different uses (wheat mills and fulling mills) and its different locations (land mills and river water mills). The narrative is always guided by the figures of the mill workers with their stories and their sufferings, certainly experts in "bringing water to their own mill", but always at the mercy of the violent movement of history.]

Citation URI

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Authors & Contributors
Ezio Zanini
Boomgaard, Peter
Gaspa, Salvatore
Horodowich, Elizabeth
Jacoby, Karl H.
Kamil, Neil
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
Food and History
History and Technology
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Technology and Culture
Columbia University
Cambridge University Press
Material culture
Crafts and craftspeople
Water mills; water wheels
Food and foods
Breads; Cereal products
Manetti, Saverio
Smeaton, John
Time Periods
18th century
19th century
Early modern
17th century
United States
Great Britain
Massachusetts (U.S.)
New York (U.S.)

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