Žemla, Martin (Author)
The Astronomia Olympi novi andthe Theologia Cabalistica were published as part of the Philosophia Mystica (1618). This influential collection of Paracelsian and Weigelian texts was among the first to include a publication of the theologica of Paracelsus. Both of these short pseudo-Paracelsian works were written by Adam Haslmayr (1560-1630), the propagator of the “Theophrastia Sancta,” a philosophical theology of Paracelsus mixed with Weigelian and alchemical influences. These works, taken in the Philosophia Mystica,are among the very few of his texts that appeared in print in his lifetime. In this paper, the content of both pseudepigrapha is analyzed and related to ideas found in both the authentic and the pseudepigraphic works of Paracelsus, as well as in relevant works of some Paracelsians (Khunrath, Figulus, Weigel, Croll, Siebmacher and Mögling). Specifically, the notions of the “Olympus novus” and the “cabalistic principles” are discussed in a wider context.
...MoreArticle Didier Kahn; Hiro Hirai (2020) Introduction Pseudo-Paracelsus: Forgery and Early Modern Alchemy, Medicine and Natural Philosophy. Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period (pp. 415-418).
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Kahn, Didier;
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Penman, Leigh T. I.;
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Kahn, Didier;
La condamnation des thèses d'Antoine de Villon et Etienne de Clave contre Aristote, Paracelse et les “cabalistes” (1624)
Didier Kahn;
Hiro Hirai;
Introduction Pseudo-Paracelsus: Forgery and Early Modern Alchemy, Medicine and Natural Philosophy
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Roudet, Nicolas;
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Classen, Albrecht;
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Jr Charles D. Gunnoe;
Paracelsus, the Plague, and De Pestilitate
Didier Kahn;
The Philosophia ad Athenienses in the Light of Genuine Paracelsian Cosmology
Tobias Bulang;
Genealogy of Knowledge and Delegitimization of Universities: The Pseudo-Paracelsian Aurora Philosophorum
Hiro Hirai;
Into the Forger’s Library: The Genesis of De natura rerum in Publication History
Didier Kahn;
Hiro Hirai;
Pseudo-Paracelsus: Forgery and Early Modern Alchemy, Medicine and Natural Philosophy
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“Paradoxes, Absurdities, and Madness”: Conflict over Alchemy, Magic and Medicine in the Works of Andreas Libavius and Heinrich Khunrath
Tomischko, Wolfgang;
"Vom hylealischen Chaos". Anmerkungen zu einer kommentierten Edition des berühmten Werkes von Heinrich Khunrath ("Vom hylealischen chaos". Notes to an annotated edition of the famous work of Heinrich Khunrath)
Klutz, Monika;
Die Rezepte in Oswald Crolls Basilica chymica (1609) und ihre Beziehungen zu Paracelsus
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Paracelsus, a Transmutational Alchemist
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