During the Second Sino-Japanese War, the technological project of mass immunization united state health administrations and international aid organizations seeking to prevent epidemics in unoccupied China's wartime hinterland. This article examines a joint wartime effort between the Chinese government's National Epidemic Prevention Bureau and the League of Nations Health Organization to manufacture and distribute vaccines against smallpox, cholera, and other diseases in northwest China. The hardships of war presented challenges to the development of large-scale immunization, but also led to the establishment of international aid programs that helped Chinese microbiologists acquire standard cultures, animals, and equipment. Vaccination provided a means for the beleaguered Nationalist government to quell epidemics and resist the Japanese; subsequent state involvement in the process of managing transport of vaccines, organizing and training vaccinators, and mandating the shots suggests the significance of mass immunization, as well as its reliance on technological systems in which vaccines embodied emerging biomedical standards that the state sought to institutionalize.
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Antitoxin and Anatoxine: The League of Nations and the Institut Pasteur, 1920--1939
Ballester, R.;
Porras, M-I;
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Mazumdar, Pauline M. H.;
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(April 2020)
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Vaccinating the Nation: Public Health and Mass Immunization in Modern China,1900-60
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On the Title of Joseph Needham in Wartime China
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Sangkot Marzuki;
War Crimes in Japan-Occupied Indonesia: A Case of Murder by Medicine
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Long Shot: Vaccines for National Defense
Daidoji, Keiko;
Karchmer, Eric I.;
The Case of the Suzhou Hospital of National Medicine (1939–41): War, Medicine, and Eastern Civilization
Shi, Rusong;
China and Sino-American Medical Communication in the View of the American Medical Profession during the Anti-Japanese War: The Case of The Journal of the American Medical Association
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Governing the World: The History of an Idea
Lagendijk, Vincent;
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Oil on Troubled Waters? Environmental Diplomacy in the League of Nations
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La santé publique et ses instruments de mesure: Des barèmes évaluatifs américains aux indices numériques de la Société des Nations, 1915-1955
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