The historiography of mathematical functions already includes many references of often respectable size, and the present work is neither a new course, nor a kind of summary relating to some original texts not yet analyzed on this subject. It is intended to be a reflection on the practice of the history of mathematics. On the one hand, this is because this work is based on various presentations made previously which are generally unpublished, in the now venerable framework created by the seniority and a number of Franco-Mexican meetings. On the other hand, it is also because this work raises the question of the objective, and also of the issue of objectivity, that exists in telling the history of a theorem, a concept or a mathematical object. And I should not forget the way of using both the sources and the technical knowledge of prospective readers. It is in fact important to signal how deeply the writing of a text in the history of mathematics depends on such readers. While three words seem, wrongly, to frame very specific things that I wish to discuss : history of the fundamental theorem of algebra, concept of variable quantity, or the function object. In the three cases, the difficulty is to deal with things which have acquired their name only long after the nature of the theorem, the properties of the concept or of the object have circulated in various forms. The dangers, that of anachronism in particular, are to freeze a situation, such as a photograph with a dummy background shot, or to neglect or overestimate the importance of the contemporary situation. Our question here is to concretely analyze these dangers in the case of functions, not to destroy previous accounts, but to bring out prejudices, and to allow us to grasp the differences that there are in qualifying a concept or an object. [English translation of title by Create the history of an object or mathematical concept, using mathematical functions as a case study.]
...MoreArticle Vincent Jullien; Carmen Martínez-Adame (2023) Foreward. Almagest (pp. 6-14).
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