Kirk, Robert G. W. (Author)
Ramsden, Edmund (Author)
This article argues that the movement of dogs from pounds to medical laboratories played a critically important role in debates over the use of animals in science and medicine in the United States in the twentieth century, not least by drawing the scientific community into every greater engagement with bureaucratic political governance. If we are to understand the unique characteristics of the American federal legislation that emerges in the 1960s, we need to understand the long and protracted debate over the use of pound animals at the local municipal and state level between antivivisectionists, humane activists, and scientific and medical researchers. We argue that the Laboratory Animal Care Act of 1966 reflects the slow evolution of a strategy that proved most successful in local conflicts, and which would characterize a “new humanitarianism”: not the regulation of experimental practices but of the care and transportation of the animals being provided to the laboratory. Our analysis is consistent with, and draws upon, scholarship which has established the productive power of public agencies and civil society on the periphery of the American state.
Jake Earl;
The Belmont Report and Innovative Practice
Franklin G. Miller;
Revisiting the Distinction and the Connection Between Research and Practice
Brad Bolman;
Dogs for Life: Beagles, Drugs, and Capital in the Twentieth Century
Anita Guerrini;
Experimenting with Humans and Animals: From Aristotle to CRISPR
Gail Davies;
Locating the ‘culture wars’ in laboratory animal research: National constitutions and global competition
Will Schupmann;
Jonathan D. Moreno;
Belmont in Context
John A. Lynch;
Revising the Bioethics Story: Memory and Story in Precarious Times
Laura Stark;
Contracting Health: Procurement Contracts, Total Institutions, and the Problem of Virtuous Suffering in Post-war Human Experiment
Brad Bolman;
Pig Mentations: Race and Face in Radiobiology
Klingle, Matthew W.;
(April 2018)
The Multiple Lives of Marjorie: The Dogs of Toronto and the Co-discovery of Insulin
Jonathan Kimmelman;
What Is Human Research For? Reflections on the Omission of Scientific Integrity from the Belmont Report
Kaplan, Rebecca;
Cows, Cattle Owners, and the USDA: Brucellosis, Populations, and Public Health Policy in Twentieth Century United States
Jeffrey S. Flier;
Misconduct in Bioscience Research: a 40-year perspective
Tom L. Beauchamp;
The Origins and Drafting of the Belmont Report
Carrie Friese;
Nathalie Nuyts;
(July 2018)
From The Principles to the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act: A Commentary on How and Why the 3Rs Became Central to Laboratory Animal Governance in the UK
Lene Koch;
Mette N. Svendsen;
(May 2015)
Negotiating Moral Value: A Story of Danish Research Monkeys and Their Humans
Ann-Janine Morey;
Picturing Dogs, Seeing Ourselves: Vintage American Photographs
Tone Druglitrø;
(July 2018)
“Skilled Care” and the Making of Good Science
Paul Weindling;
From Clinic to Concentration Camp: Reassessing Nazi Medical and Racial Research, 1933-1945
Dunaway, Finis;
(April 2018)
Gallery Editor's Note
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