Article ID: CBB713334395

Logistical Natures: Trade, Traffics, and Transformations in Natural History Collecting (2024)


The logistics of natural history sustained natural history’s capacity to acquire, classify and preserve specimens. This mobilization of nature established complex supply-chains, encompassing naturalists, colonial officers, museum curators, and many others, that materialized distinct global infrastructures. In suggesting the notion of Logistical Natures, this special issue renders the intersection of (critical) logistics and nature productive in two ways. First, the essays explore the logistics of natural history and analyze how large-scale, mostly colonial, infrastructures shaped knowledge, practices, and material culture within natural history. Second, Logistical Natures draws attention to the natural history of logistics for these infrastructures, such as postal services, military infrastructures, and railway systems, were also productive of new kinds of nature. Logistical Natures analyzes how modes of circulation materialized as (and in) the bodies, including people and specimens, and knowledge practices of natural history.

Associated with

Article Nils Güttler (2024) The Airport and the Zoo: Behavioral Knowledge, Animal Transport, and the Technical Environments of Aviation, 1940s–1970s. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences (pp. 135-156). unapi

Article Takashi Ito (2024) The Power and Performativity of Naming: A Natural and Cultural History of the Mikado Pheasant in Early Twentieth-century Taiwan and Beyond. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences (pp. 157-186). unapi

Article Kerstin Pannhorst (2024) Becoming Visible: Insects and Infrastructures in Colonial Taiwan. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences (pp. 187-215). unapi

Article Ayako Sakurai (2024) Listing Butterflies: Economic and Epistemic Logistics of Commodification, 1880s–1910s. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences (pp. 216-243). unapi

Article Marianna Szczygielska (2024) War on Extinction: Wildlife as Statecraft in Interwar Poland. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences (pp. 244-267). unapi

Article Mareike Vennen (2024) Tortoise Traffic: Zoo Animal Logistics in Twentieth-Century Berlin. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences (pp. 268-289). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Murphy, Kathleen S.
Adelman, Juliana
Bloch, D.
Constantino, María Eugenia
Delbourgo, James
Digby, Susan A.
Archives of Natural History
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
Journal of the History of Biology
Early American Studies
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
HOST: Journal of History of Science and Technology
Blast Books
The University of North Carolina Press
Natural history
Collectors and collecting
Specimen exchange
Petiver, James
Baird, Spencer Fullerton
Banks, Joseph
Digby, Bassett
Dybowski, Benedykt
Engelmann, George
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
20th century, early
Early modern
17th century
Meiji period (Japan, 1868-1910)
Great Britain
Siberia (Russia)
Atlantic world
Linnean Society of London
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
British Museum. Natural History
Hudson's Bay Company
Smithsonian Institution
Zoological Society of London

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