Ramsbrock, Annelie (Author)
What did the cosmetic practices of middle-class women in the nineteenth century have in common with the repair of men's bodies mutilated in war? What did the New Woman of the Weimar years have to do with the field of social medicine that emerged in the same period? They were all part of a conversation about the cosmetic modification of bodies, a debate shaped by scientific knowledge and normative social models. Conceived as a cultural history, this book examines the history of artificially created beauty in Germany from the late Enlightenment to the early days of National Socialist rule.
...MoreReview Sander L. Gilman (2016) Review of "The Science of Beauty: Culture and Cosmetics in Modern Germany, 1750–1930". Social History of Medicine (pp. 251-252).
Stokes, P. R.;
Pathology, danger, and power: Women's and physicians' views of pregnancy and childbirth in Weimar Germany
Martin, Morag;
Doctoring Beauty: The Medical Control of Women's Toilettes in France, 1750--1820
Killen, Andreas;
Weimar Psychotechnics between Americanism and Fascism
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Of Cosmetic Value Only: Make-Up and Terrible Old Ladies in Victorian Literature
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Die “Krüppelfürsorge” in der Weimarer Republik. Zwischen eigenem Standpunkt und diskursiver Anschlussfähigkeit an eugenische Argumentationsstrukturen
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Steger, Florian;
Max Mohr (1891--1937) -- ein Arzt auf der Suche nach Unabhängigkeit
Michael Hau;
Constitutional Therapy and Clinical Racial Hygiene in Weimar and Nazi Germany
Frewer, Andreas;
Medizin und Moral in Weimarer Republik und Nationalsozialismus. Die Zeitschrift Ethik unter Emil Abderhalden
Usborne, Cornelie;
Cultures of Abortion in Weimar Germany
Chiara Beatrice Vicentini;
Stefano Manfredini;
Lorenzo Altieri;
Mirna Bonazza;
“Da far bella una donna…” Ricette profumatorie estensi in un manoscritto del XVI secolo. Reinterpretazione in chiave moderna
Caballero Navas, C.;
Mujeres, cuerpos y literatura médica medieval en hebreo
Montiel, Luis;
Magnetismo romántico: El paciente. La mujer. La república
Buerkle, Darcy;
Gendered Spectatorship, Jewish Women, and Psychological Advertising in Weimar Germany
Werner Plumpe;
Januskopf der deutschen Geldwirtschaft: Karl Helfferich (1872 bis 1924) (Janus face of the German monetary economy: Karl Helfferich (1872 to 1924))
íguez-Ocaña, Esteban Rodr;
The Politics of the Healthy Life: An International Perspective
Remmert, Volker R.;
Schneider, Ute;
Publikationsstrategien einer Disziplin: Mathematik in Kaiserreich und Weimarer Republik
Eike-Christian Heine;
Jenseits von Kultur und Zivilisation - Vereinzelte moralische Ansprüche an Technik und Techniker im ersten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts
Ross, Corey;
Media and the Making of Modern Germany: Mass Communications, Society, and Politics from the Empire to the Third Reich
Panoutsopoulos, Grigoris;
The Current of Neoromanticism in the Weimar Republic: the Re-enchantment of Science and Technology
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