Darwin's first publication after the Origin of Species was a volume on orchids that expanded on the theory of adaptation through natural selection introduced in his opus. Here I argue that On the Various Contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids are Fertilised by Insects (1862) is not merely an empirical confirmation of his theory. In response to immediate criticisms of his metaphor of natural selection, Darwin uses Orchids to present adaptation as the result of innumerable natural laws, rather than discrete acts analogous to conscious choices. The means of selection among polliniferous plants cannot be neatly classed under the Origin's categories of artificial, natural, or sexual selection. Along with Darwin's exploration of sexual selection in his later works, Orchids serves to undo the restrictive metaphor so firmly established by the Origin and to win over those of Darwin's contemporaries who were committed advocates of natural law but suspicious of evolution by natural selection.
Curtis N. Johnson;
Charles Darwin, Richard Owen, and Natural Selection: A Question of Priority
Haufe, Chris;
Darwin's Laws
Hoquet, Thierry;
Laws of Variation: Darwin's Failed Newtonian Program?
John Hollier;
Anita Hollier;
René-Edouard Claparède (1832–1871), Genevan naturalist and early adopter of Darwin's theory of evolution
Ruse, Michael;
Richards, Robert J.;
The Cambridge Companion to the Origin of Species
Joachim L. Dagg;
J. F. Derry;
Patrick Matthew's synthesis of catastrophism and transformism
Leeuwenburgh, Bart;
Darwin in Domineesland
Levine, George Lewis;
Darwin Loves You: Natural Selection and the Re-enchantment of the World
Holway, Tatiana M.;
The Flower of Empire: An Amazonian Water Lily, the Quest to Make It Bloom, and the World It Created
Thierry Hoquet;
Pluralizing Darwin: Making Counter-Factual History of Science Significant
Beer, Gillian;
Darwin and the Uses of Extinction
Ruse, Michael;
Travis, Joseph;
Evolution: The First Four Billion Years
Brink-Roby, Heather;
Natural Representation: Diagram and Text in Darwin's On the Origin of Species
Stott, Rebecca;
Darwin and the Barnacle
Engels, Eve-Marie;
Charles Darwins geheimnisvolle Revolution
Rupke, Nicolaas;
Darwin's Choice
Donohue, Kathleen;
Darwin's Finches: Readings in the Evolution of a Scientific Paradigm
Gardiner, Brian;
Milner, Richard;
Morris, Mary;
Survival of the Fittest: A Special Issue of the Linnean Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Darwin-Wallace Theory of Evolution
Creath, Richard;
Maienschein, Jane;
Biology and epistemology
Desmond, Adrian J.;
Moore, James;
Browne, E. Janet;
Browne, Janet;
Charles Darwin
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