Book ID: CBB702469596

Forecasting Travel in Urban America: The Socio-Technical Life of an Engineering Modeling World (2023)


Chatzis, Konstantinos (Author)

The MIT Press

Publication Date: 2023
Physical Details: 416
Language: English

For better and worse, the automobile has been an integral part of the American way of life for decades. Its ascendance would have been far less spectacular, however, had engineers and planners not devised urban travel demand modeling (UTDM). This book tells the story of this irreplaceable engineering tool that has helped cities accommodate continuous rise in traffic from the 1950s on. Beginning with UTDM’s origins as a method to help plan new infrastructure, Konstantinos Chatzis follows its trajectory through new generations of models that helped make optimal use of existing capacity and examines related policy instruments, including the recent use of intelligent transportation systems.Chatzis investigates these models as evolving entities involving humans and nonhumans that were shaped through a specific production process. In surveying the various generations of UTDM, he delves into various means of production (from tabulating machines to software packages) and travel survey methods (from personal interviews to GPS tracking devices and smartphones) used to obtain critical information. He also looks at the individuals who have collectively built a distinct UTDM social world by displaying specialized knowledge, developing specific skills, and performing various tasks and functions, and by communicating, interacting, and even competing with one another.Original and refreshingly accessible, Forecasting Travel in Urban America offers the first detailed history behind the thinkers and processes that impact the lives of millions of city dwellers every day.

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Authors & Contributors
Ferreira Da Silva, Alvaro
Harris, Neil
Harvey, Penelope
Longhurst, James Lewis
Melosi, Martin V.
Morton, David L.
Social Studies of Science
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
The Journal of Transport History
MIT Press
The MIT Press
University of Pittsburgh Press
University of Chicago
Cornell University Press
Technology and society
Urban planning
Roads and highways
Land transportation
Time Periods
21st century
20th century
20th century, late
19th century
20th century, early
United States
Great Britain
Berlin (Germany)
California (U.S.)

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