Gooday, Graeme J. N. (Author)
Was Silvanus Phillips Thompson primarily a physicist, electrical engineer, biographer, or teacher? His obituarists could not agree. I argue Thompson was in fact a polymathic generalist who, as a philanthropic Quaker, worked not to promote his own expertise but rather to ensure the public was swiftly informed of the most important techno-scientific research and applications of his contemporaries. I illustrate this in a comparison of Thompson and his longer-lived friend Oliver Lodge: working in closely-related areas, they had contrasting profiles and commitments. After inspecting Thompson's work as textbook author and bibliophile, I resolve his apparently paradoxical status as both radical critic and figurehead of multiple institutions. Finally, to flesh out his friends' representation of him as a “many-sided crystal,” I analyse Thompson's multi-facetted posthumous reputation, especially in reviews of the Life and Letters written by his widow Jane and daughter Helen exactly 100 years ago.
Graeme Gooday;
Silvanus Phillips Thompson (1851–1916): An introduction to the spotlight section
Geoffrey Cantor;
Thompson, Biographer
Gay, Hannah;
“If gold ruste what shall iren do?” Silvanus Phillips Thompson, Quakerism and Science
Leach, Camilla;
Religion and Rationality: Quaker Women and Science Education 1790--1850
Larson, Timothy;
E. B. Tylor, Religion and Anthropology
Matthew Stanley;
No slaves to words: S. P. Thompson's theory of history
Gay, Hannah;
Chemist, Entomologist, Darwinian, and Man of Affairs: Raphael Meldola and the Making of a Scientific Career
Stathis Arapostathis;
Anna Guagnini;
Living in between: The commercial side of Silvanus P. Thompson's engineering
Diogo, Maria Paula;
Matos, Ana Cardoso de;
Going Public: The First Portuguese National Engineering Meeting and the Popularization of the Image of the Engineer as an Artisan of Progress (Portugal, 1931)
Esther Sahle;
Quakers in the British Atlantic world, c.1660-1800
Robert G. W. Anderson;
Epitomizing Chemistry for Changing Audiences in Britain, 1820-2020
Essay Review
Nye, Mary Jo;
The Public Culture of Science in Nineteenth-Century France
R. J. W. Mills;
The Reception of ‘That Bigoted Silly Fellow’ James Beattie's Essay on Truth in Britain 1770–1830
Bud, Robert;
“Applied Science” in Nineteenth-Century Britain: Public Discourse and the Creation of Meaning, 1817--1876
Jennifer C. Mori;
Popular Science in Eighteenth Century Almanacs: The Editorial Career of Henry Andrews of Royston, 1780–1820
Hackmann, Willem;
Annual Invitation Lecture: Spectacular Science through the Magic Lantern
Bourke, Joanna;
The Story of Pain: From Prayer to Painkillers
Anna T. Danielsson;
Allison J. Gonsalves;
Eva Silfver;
Maria Berge;
The Pride and Joy of Engineering? The Identity Work of Male Working-Class Engineering Students
Herkert, Joseph R.;
(Summer 2002)
Continuing and Emerging Issues in Engineering Ethics Education
Rider Foley;
Beverley Gibbs;
Connecting Engineering Processes and Responsible Innovation: A Response to Macro-Ethical Challenges
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