In May 1911, the first International Hygiene Exhibition opened its doors in Dresden. Plenty of objects relevant to the fi ld of hygiene were found in various halls on the spacious showground. In addition, 30 national pavilions were built along an avenue. One of these pavilions was the «Schwyzer Hus», the Swiss pavilion. At the beginning of the twentieth century Swiss representatives were part of an international scientific network. They collaborated to develop what became known as scientific hygiene. This paper analyses the planning, realisation and reception of the Swiss pavilion. I want to show how the Swiss experts of hygiene positioned themselves among the other nations and how they worked to establish a «Swiss hygiene».
Reichardt, Eike;
Health, “Race” and Empire: Popular-Scientific Spectacles and National Identity in Imperial Germany, 1871--1914
Peter Payer;
"Die Technische Stadt": wie eine Großausstellung in Dresden urbane Zukunftsvisionen prägte ("The Technical City": how a major exhibition in Dresden shaped urban visions of the future)
Stein, Claudia;
Organising the History of Hygiene at the Internationale Hygiene-Ausstellung in Dresden in 1911
Dongwon, Shin;
Hygiene, Medicine, and Modernity in Korea, 1876--1910
Leandro, José Augusto;
A hanseníase no Maranhão na década de 1930: rumo à Colônia do Bonfim
Long, Vicky;
The Rise and Fall of the Healthy Factory: The Politics of Industrial Health in Britain, 1914--60
Marland, Hilary;
Health and Girlhood in Britain, 1874--1920
Kashin, Konstantin;
Pollock, Ethan;
Public Health and Bathing in Late Imperial Russia: A Statistical Approach
Blanchard, Pascal;
Human Zoos: Science and Spectacle in the Age of Colonial Empires
Jennifer Nelson;
More Than Medicine: A History of the Feminist Women's Health Movement
Käthe von Bose;
(March 2021)
Umweltfürsorge im Krankenhaus: Hygienische Sauberkeit und die feminisierte Arbeit an der Atmosphäre (Environmental Care in Hospitals: Hygiene and Feminine Atmospheric Work)
Mello, Guilherme Arantes;
Viana, Ana Luiza d'Ávila;
Uma história de conceitos na saúde pública: integralidade, coordenação, descentralização, regionalização e universalidade
Bakker, Nelleke;
De gezondheid van het kind en het veranderend perspectief van de Groningse plattelandsschoolarts (1930--1970)
Jennie Wilson;
The evolving role of gloves in healthcare
Kanikadan, Paula Yuri Sugishita;
Marques, Maria Cristina da Costa;
Uma trajetória dos profissionais de saúde ingleses, 1815--1858
Watt, John R.;
Saving Lives in Wartime China: How Medical Reformers Built Modern Healthcare Systems Amid War and Epidemics, 1928-1945
Roberto Cea;
Il governo della salute nell'Italia liberale. Stato, igiene e politiche sanitarie
Massimo Aliverti;
Pulizia del corpo, igiene della persona e ricerca della bellezza. Un excursus storico-antropologico
Gooder, Claire;
A Dissident Voice in New Zealand Wartime Sex Education
Filtzer, Donald A.;
The Hazards of Urban Life in Late Stalinist Russia: Health, Hygiene, and Living Standards, 1943--1953
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