François Jacob’s The Logic of Life: A History of Heredity has shown an enduring relevance for the history and philosophy of biology. In this article, resisting the received view that regards this book merely as an application of Foucault’s archaeological method, I reconstruct a silent debate between François Jacob and Jacques Monod. More precisely, I argue that Jacob’s history of biology offers a riposte to Monod’s claims in Chance and Necessity. First, I show that the distinction between a “history of ideas” and a “history of objects” captures two ways of looking at the history of science that characterize Monod’s and Jacob’s own approaches. Next, I present Monod’s search for a “theory of the natural selection of ideas.” Then I argue that the concept of “integron,” introduced by Jacob in his conclusion, covertly undermines Monod’s argument for the use of evolutionary models of cultural and scientific change. These contrasting perspectives shed new light on why the Nobel colaureates and former colleagues expressed little interest in each other’s books. More generally, the Monod-Jacob divide illustrates the use and rejection of biological models in writing the history of science and the importance of situating Jacob within his own milieu.
...MoreArticle Pierre-Olivier Méthot; Florence Vienne (2023) Special Section Introduction. HOPOS (pp. 454-462).
Pierre-Olivier Méthot;
François Jacob et La Logique du vivant: Une histoire des objets de la biologie
Hans-Jörg Rheinberger;
Remarks on François Jacob’s Concept of Integron
Hans-Jörg Rheinberger;
Two Books that Marked their Epoch – A Personal Encounter
Henri Buc;
Pierre-Olivier Méthot;
1970, Le Hasard et la nécessité et La Logique du vivant: Quelques souvenirs des uns et des autres
Daniel Demellier;
Laurent Loison;
Les archives de François Jacob, André Lwoff et Jacques Monod à l’Institut Pasteur
David M. Peña-Guzmán;
French historical epistemology: Discourse, concepts, and the norms of rationality
Emanuel Bertrand;
A controversy about chance and the origins of life: Thermodynamicist Ilya Prigogine replies to molecular biologist Jacques Monod
Daniele Cozzoli;
The Logic of Life, the Creation of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, and the Relation between Molecular Biology and Physics
Araújo, Leonardo A. L.;
Araújo, Aldo Mellender de;
Michel Foucault e as condições de possibilidade do evolucionismo de Darwin
Pierre-Olivier Méthot;
Florence Vienne;
Special Section Introduction
Lydia Patton;
Editor’s Note
Ronan Le Roux;
Entre hasard et programme: Monod, Jacob et la cybernétique
Pierre Louis Blaiseau;
Allyson M. Holmes;
Diauxic Inhibition: Jacques Monod's Ignored Work
Suzanne Marchand;
How Much Knowledge is Worth Knowing? An American Intellectual Historian's Thoughts on the Geschichte des Wissens
Talcott, Samuel;
Errant Life, Molecular Biology, and Biopower: Canguilhem, Jacob, and Foucault
Laurent Loison;
Introduction: Biologie, philosophie de la biologie et histoire de la biologie chez Georges Canguilhem (1904-1995)
Arantza Etxeberria Agiriano;
Jacob’s Understanding of Reproduction: Challenges from an Organismic Collaborative Framework
Loison, Laurent;
Monod before Monod: Enzymatic Adaptation, Lwoff, and the Legacy of General Biology
Laurent Loison;
Un enthousiasme paradoxal? Georges Canguilhem et la biologie moléculaire (1966-1973)
Loison, Laurent;
French Roots of French Neo-Lamarckisms, 1879--1985
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