McMahon, Richard (Editor)
National Races explores how politics interacted with transnational science in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This interaction produced powerful, racialized national identity discourses whose influence continues to resonate in today’s culture and politics. Ethnologists, anthropologists, and raciologists compared modern physical types with ancient skeletal finds to unearth the deep prehistoric past and true nature of nations. These scientists understood certain physical types to be what Richard McMahon calls “national races,” or the ageless biological essences of nations. Contributors to this volume address a central tension in anthropological race classification. On one hand, classifiers were nationalists who explicitly or implicitly used race narratives to promote political agendas. Their accounts of prehistoric geopolitics treated “national races” as the proxies of nations in order to legitimize present-day geopolitical positions. On the other hand, the transnational community of race scholars resisted the centrifugal forces of nationalism. Their interdisciplinary project was a vital episode in the development of the social sciences, using biological race classification to explain the history, geography, relationships, and psychologies of nations.National Races goes to the heart of tensions between nationalism and transnationalism, politics and science, by examining transnational science from the perspective of its peripheries. Contributors to the book supplement the traditional focus of historians on France, Britain, and Germany, with myriad case studies and examples of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century racial and national identities in countries such as Russia, Italy, Poland, Greece, and Yugoslavia, and among Jewish anthropologists.
Turda, Marius;
Weindling, Paul;
“Blood and Homeland”: Eugenics and Racial Nationalism in Central and Southeast Europe, 1900--1940
Evans, Andrew D.;
Anthropology at War: World War I and the Science of Race in Germany
Mattson, Greggor;
Nation-State Science: Lappology and Sweden's Ethnoracial Purity
Michele Bonmassar;
Diritto e razza. Gli italiani in Africa
McMahon, Richard;
Networks, Narratives and Territory in Anthropological Race Classification: Towards a More Comprehensive Historical Geography of Europe's Culture
Kröner, Hans-Peter;
Von der Vaterschaftsbestimmung zum Rassegutachten: Der erbbiologische Ahnlichkeitsvergleich als “österreichisch-deutsches Projekt” 1926-1945
Rosemary Lévy Zumwalt;
Franz Boas: The Emergence of the Anthropologist
Ash, Mitchell G.;
Surman, Jan;
The Nationalization of Scientific Knowledge in the Habsburg Empire, 1848--1918
Soeren Urbansky;
Beyond the Steppe Frontier: A History of the Sino-Russian Border
Lafferton, Emese;
The Magyar Moustache: The Faces of Hungarian State Formation, 1867--1918
Morris-Reich, Amos;
The Quest for Jewish Assimilation in Modern Social Science
Staum, Martin S.;
Nature and Nurture in French Social Sciences, 1859--1914 and Beyond
Reynaud Paligot, Carole;
La république raciale: paradigme racial et idéologie républicaine, 1860--1930
Efram Sera-Shriar;
Constructing the “Jewish Type”: Anthropometric Measurement, Composite Photography, and Anthropology in the Late Victorian Age
Schiller, J.;
The University of Warsaw: “University”? of “Warsaw”?
Burgio, Alberto;
Nel nome del razza: Il razzismo nella storia d'Italia, 1870-1945
Gilkeson, John S.;
Anthropologists and the Rediscovery of America, 1886--1965
Shen, Grace Yen;
Unearthing the Nation: Modern Geology and Nationalism in Republican China
Ito, Kenji;
Values of “Pure Science”: Nishina Yoshio's Wartime Discourse between Nationalism and Physics, 1940-1945
Rhode, Maria;
Wissenschaft, Nation und Loyalitäten polnischer Gelehrter in Berlin und St. Petersburg
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