Akira Okazaki (Author)
This paper presents ten cometary records found in the Đại Nam Thực Lục [Chính Biên] (大南寔録 [正編]), which is the main volume of the official history of Vietnam's Nguyễn Dynasty. The paper provides the original classical Chinese texts and their English translations, along with the designated names of the comets mentioned in these records. The study primarily focuses on four of these records, which are analysed by comparing their descriptions with the results obtained using astronomical simulation software. The four comets examined are C/1811 F1 (The Great Comet of 1811), C/1825 N1 (Pons), C/1843 D1 (The Great March Comet of 1843), and C/1861 J1 (Tebbutt, or The Great Comet of 1861). This paper discusses the descriptions from some perspectives, such as the reliability of these descriptions and the effect of Vietnam’s low-latitude position on observations.
...MoreArticle Shi Yunli (2023) Introduction. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage (pp. 281-281).
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De uno
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