Kerr, Sophie-May (Author)
Klocker, Natascha (Author)
Waitt, Gordon (Author)
In the industrialized West, cars are considered an essential part of everyday life. Their dominance is underpinned by the challenges of managing complex, geographically stretched daily routines. Drivers’ emotional and embodied relationships with automobiles also help to explain why car cultures are difficult to disrupt. This article foregrounds ethnic diversity to complicate notions of a “love affair” with the car. We report on the mobilities of fourteen Chinese migrants living in Sydney, Australia—many of whom described embodied dispositions against the car, influenced by their life histories. Their emotional responses to cars and driving, shaped by transport norms and infrastructures in their places of origin, ranged from pragmatism and ambivalence to fear and hostility. The lived experiences of these migrants show that multiple cultures of mobility coexist, even in ostensibly car-dependent societies. Migrants’ life histories and contemporary practices provide an opportunity to reflect on fissures in the logic of automobility.
Gretchen Sullivan Sorin;
Driving while Black : African American travel and the road to civil rights
Manuel Moser;
East to West to South to North—and Back. Driving Landscapes as a Thuringian Long-Distance Trucker
Gordon H. Chang;
Fishkin, Shelley Fisher;
The Chinese and the Iron Road: Building the transcontinental railroad
Carla Assmann;
The emergence of the car-oriented city: Entanglements and transfer agents in West-Berlin, East-Berlin and Lyon, 1945–75
Colin Pooley;
(August 2021)
Walking spaces: Changing pedestrian practices in Britain since c. 1850
Robert Braun;
Richard Randell;
(March 2021)
Getting Behind the Object We Love the Most: Cars: Accelerating the Modern World Victoria and Albert Museum (Museum Review)
Christoph Bernhardt;
(December 2020)
Urban automobility in Cold War Berlin: a transnational perspective
Svetlana Usenyuk-Kravchuk;
Nikita Klyusov;
Sampsa Hyysalo;
Viktor Klimenko;
Depending on Users: The Case of Over-Snow Motorized Transport in Russia
Marith Dieker;
(June 2018)
Keep Moving, Stay Tuned: The Construction of Flow in and through Radio Traffic Reports
Maria Luísa Sousa;
A Mobilidade Automóvel em Portugal, 1920-1950
Danijela Kambaskovic;
Conjunctions of Mind, Soul and Body from Plato to the Enlightenment
Larry S. McGrath;
Historiography, Affect, and the Neurosciences
Geir Kirkebøen;
Descartes on Emotions, Reason, and the Adaptive Unconscious: The Pioneer Behind the Caricature
Dolores Martín-Moruno;
Beatriz Pichel;
Emotional Bodies: The Historical Performativity of Emotions
Sam Fernández-Garrido;
Rosa M. Medina-Domenech;
‘Bridging the Sexes’: Feelings, Professional Communities and Emotional Practices in the Spanish Intersex Clinic
Michael Brown;
Emotions and Surgery in Britain, 1793–1912
Mayurakshi Chaudhuri;
Viola Thimm;
(December 2018)
Introduction: Postcolonial Intersections. Asia on the Move
Fallon Mody;
Revisiting Post-war British Medical Migration: A Case Study of Bristol Medical Graduates in Australia
Kim K. Fahlstedt;
Chinatown film culture: The appearance of cinema in San Francisco's Chinese neighborhood
Yong Li;
(December 2022)
“Make a Living by Doing Good”. The Moral Economy of Infant Formulas among Chinese Migrant Women in France
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