Helbig, Daniela (Author)
Nassar, Dalia (Author)
Over the last few decades, the meaning of the scientific theory of epigenesis and its significance for Kant's critical philosophy have become increasingly central questions. Most recently, scholars have argued that epigenesis is a key factor in the development of Kant's understanding of reason as self-grounding and self-generating. Building on this work, our claim is that Kant appealed to not just any epigenetic theory, but specifically Johann Friedrich Blumenbach's account of generation, and that this appeal must be understood not only in terms of self-organization, but also in terms of the demarcation of a specific domain of inquiry: for Blumenbach, the study of life; for Kant, the study of reason. We argue that Kant adopted this specific epigenetic model as a result of his dispute with Herder regarding the independence of reason from nature. Blumenbach's conception of epigenesis and his separation of a domain of the living from the non-living lent Kant the tools to demarcate metaphysics, and to guard reason against Herder's attempts to naturalize it.
...MoreArticle Gaukroger, Stephen W.; Dalia Nassar (2016) Introduction: Kant and the Empirical Sciences. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (pp. 55-56).
Zammito, John H.;
The Lenoir Thesis Revisited: Blumenbach and Kant
Philosophie des Organischen in der Goethezeit: Studien zu Werk und Wirkung des Naturforschers Carl Friedrich Kielmeyer (1765-1844)
John H. Zammito;
Epigenesis in Kant: Recent Reconsiderations
Catherine Wilson;
Kant and the Naturalistic Turn of 18th Century Philosophy
Paolo Pecere;
Materialism, Lebenskraft and the limits of science: Metaphysical vitalism in post-Kantian scenarios
Amanda Jo Goldstein;
Sweet Science: Romantic Materialism and the New Logics of Life
Zammito, John H.;
“This Inscrutable Principle of an Original Organization”: Epigenesis and “Looseness of Fit” in Kant's Philosophy of Science
Richards, Robert J.;
Kant and Blumenbach on the Bildungstrieb: A Historical Misunderstanding
Steigerwald, Joan;
Instruments of Judgment: Inscribing Organic Processes in Late Eighteenth-Century Germany
Look, Brandon C.;
Blumenbach and Kant on Mechanism and Teleology in Nature: The Case of the Formative Drive
Ryan William Feigenbaum;
The Epistemic Foundations of German Biology, 1790-1802
Zeuch, Ulrike;
Sentio, ergo sum: Herder's concept of “feeling” versus Kant's concept of “consciousness”
Anik Waldow;
Natural History and the Formation of the Human Being: Kant on Active Forces
Zammito, John H.;
“Method” versus “Manner”? Kant's critique of Herder's Ideen in the light of the epoch of science, 1790-1820
Da Costa Gomes, Paolo Cesar;
Les deux pôles épistémologiques de la modernité: Une lecture des fondements de la géographie chez Kant et Herder
Zammito, John H.;
Kant, Herder, and the Birth of Anthropology
Niezen, Ronald;
The Aufklärung's Human Discipline: Comparative Anthropology According to Kant, Herder and Wilhelm von Humboldt
Carlos Zorrilla Piña;
Back to the Darkest of All Things: Philosophical Lessons on the Dynamics of Matter and Ground, from Leibniz to Schelling
Michela Massimi;
Angela Breitenbach;
Kant and the Laws of Nature
Cécilia Bognon-Küss;
Charles T. Wolfe;
Philosophy of Biology Before Biology
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