Book ID: CBB683067417

Globalizing automobilism : Exuberance and the emergence of layered mobility, 1900-1980 (2020)


Mom, Gijs (Author)

Berghahn Books

Publication Date: 2020
Physical Details: 666
Language: English

Why has "car society" proven so durable, even in the face of mounting environmental and economic crises? In this follow-up to his magisterial Atlantic Automobilism, Gijs Mom traces the global spread of the automobile in the postwar era and investigates why adopting more sustainable forms of mobility has proven so difficult. Drawing on archival research as well as wide-ranging forays into popular culture, Mom reveals here the roots of the exuberance, excess, and danger that define modern automotive culture. (Publisher)

Reviewed By

Review Lewis H. Siegelbaum (January 2022) Review of "Globalizing automobilism : Exuberance and the emergence of layered mobility, 1900-1980". Technology and Culture (pp. 278-280). unapi

Review Peter Merriman (June 2022) Review of "Globalizing automobilism : Exuberance and the emergence of layered mobility, 1900-1980". The Journal of Transport History (pp. 157-159). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Flonneau, Mathieu
Carter, Neil
Gunn, Simon
Jones, David W.
Mom, Gijs
Norton, Peter D.
The Journal of Transport History
American Heritage of Invention and Technology
The Bridge: Journal of the National Academy of Engineering
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
Comparative Technology Transfer and Society
Indiana University Press
Island Press
Stanford University Press
VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV: Historický ústav SAV
Technology and society
Land transportation
Time Periods
20th century
21st century
19th century
Qing dynasty (China, 1644-1912)
United States
Great Britain
Paris (France)

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