Martini, Mariano (Author)
Brigo, Francesco (Author)
Orsini, Davide (Author)
Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the oldest diseases known to affect humanity and is still a major public health problem. Today TB is one of the ten most frequent causes of death in the world. It is caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis, isolated by Robert Koch at the end of XIX Century when it was one of the most common diseases in the population. TB has caused millions of deaths in various historical periods. A social disease, TB has featured prominently in Medical Humanities (MH) on account of its great impact on literature, the arts, music etc... There is an excellent relationship between the arts, literature to TB, and the influence and effects of TB on the humanistic disciplines. Art, music, literature are expressions of emotions, feelings, passions, but they also talk about empathy. Through our path, we will try to show that the approach to TB should be part of the medical education, through the study of MH and also through listening to a patient’s story.
Willis, Martin;
Waddington, Keir;
Marsden, Richard;
Imaginary Investments: Illness Narratives beyond the Gaze
Elisa Mandelli;
Lo sguardo e la performance. Le relazioni tra medico, paziente psichiatrico e spettatore dal cinema medicale al museo multimediale
Lucia Craxi;
The Role of Medical Humanities in Prevention and Treatment of Patients with Chronic Diseases
Valentina Cappi;
Senza trucco o con l’inganno: la travagliata conquista della fiducia nelle serie tv ospedaliere
Cerulli, Anthony Michael;
Somatic Lessons: Narrating Patienthood and Illness in Indian Medical Literature
Matteo Galletti;
Spinte gentili e consenso informato. Qual è il “bene” del paziente?
Federica E. Micucci;
Construction tools of human being. The medical report
Morrison, Hazel;
Conversing with the Psychiatrist: Patient Narratives within Glasgow's Royal Asylum, 1921--1929
Domenico Roccolo;
Confraternite e malati a Roma nell'età moderna
Kousoulis, Antonis A.;
Maria Polydouri (1902--1930): The Greek poète maudit Who Died of Tuberculosis
Davide Orsini;
Mariano Martini;
Museum Paths in Medical Education to Improve Patient Care and Outcomes
Vincenza Ferrara;
Art as Learning Tools for Medical Education
Maso, Jean S.;
Walker Percy's The Gramercy Winner: A Memoir of the American Tuberculosis Experience
Wright, David;
Downs: The History of a Disability
Muriel R. Gillick;
Old and Sick in America: The Journey through the Health Care System
Zhang, Tiansheng;
Female Patients and Male Doctors: Qing Dynasty’s Ethics for Dealing with Female Unmentionable Disease
Emmanuel Betta;
«L’ultima bufera antivaccinista». Il dibattito sulla vaccinazione in Italia tra XIX e XX secolo
Maria Malatesta;
Fiducia, fiducie. Introduzione
Olivia Weisser;
Treating the Secret Disease: Sex, Sin, and Authority in Eighteenth-Century Venereal Cases
Harris, Margaret;
Farquhar, Fiona;
Healy, David;
Noury, Joanna C. Le;
Linden, Stefanie C.;
Hughes, J. Andrew;
Roberts, Anthony P.;
The Morbidity and Mortality Linked to Melancholia: Two Cohorts Compared, 1875--1924 and 1995--2005
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