Boer, Bas de (Author)
Te Molder, Hedwig (Author)
Verbeek, Peter-Paul (Author)
Latour encourages us to use science-in-the-making as an entry point to understanding science, because it allows us to see how scientific knowledge is constituted and through which processes the ‘absolute certainties’ of ready-made science appear. He approaches science-in-the-making from the perspective of semiotics because it enables him (1) to attribute equal importance to humans and nonhumans, and (2) to let the actors in scientific practices speak for themselves. We argue that Latour’s semiotic approach to science-in-the-making and his understanding of scientific instruments as inscription devices do not fulfill these desiderata. This, in turn, prevents him from understanding the crucial role that scientific instruments play in science-in-the-making. As an alternative to Latour’s semiotic approach, we present a postphenomenological approach to studying science-in-the-making. Using the notion of technological mediation, we argue that scientific instruments actively mediate how reality becomes present to – and is treated by – scientists. Focusing on how intentional relations between scientists and the world are mediated by scientific instruments makes it possible to turn them into genuine actors that speak for themselves, thereby recognizing their constitutive role in the development of the interpretational frameworks of scientists. We then show how a postphenomenological approach can be understood as an ethnomethodology of human-technology relations that meets both of Latour’s requirements when studying science-in-the-making.
Götz Hoeppe;
(October 2019)
Medium, calculation, play: On digital images in scientific practice
Latour, Bruno;
(April 2013)
Biography of an inquiry: On a book about modes of existence (Discussion)
Lynch, Michael;
(December 2011)
Harold Garfinkel (29 October 1917 – 21 April 2011): A remembrance and reminder
Lynch, Michael;
(June 2013)
Ontography: Investigating the production of things, deflating ontology
Kristina Popova;
Reproducibility and Instruction Following in the Shop Floor Laboratory Work: The Case of a TMS Experiment
Rystedt, Hans;
Ivarsson, Jonas;
Asplund, Sara;
Johnsson, Åse Allansdotter;
Båth, Magnus;
(December 2011)
Rediscovering radiology: New technologies and remedial action at the worksite
Antti Silvast;
Mikko J. Virtanen;
On Theory–Methods Packages in Science and Technology Studies
Alač, Morana;
Movellan, Javier;
Tanaka, Fumihide;
(December 2011)
When a robot is social: Spatial arrangements and multimodal semiotic engagement in the practice of social robotics
Jennifer S. Singh;
(Marvh 2015)
Narratives of Participation in Autism Genetics Research
Tousignant, Noemi;
(October 2013)
Broken tempos: Of means and memory in a Senegalese university laboratory
Elina I. Mäkinen;
The Power of Peer Review on Transdisciplinary Discovery
Eva Barlösius;
Concepts of Originality in the Natural Science, Medical, and Engineering Disciplines: An Analysis of Research Proposals
Axel Philipps;
Leonie Weißenborn;
(December 2019)
Unconventional ideas conventionally arranged: A study of grant proposals for exceptional research
de la Bellacasa, Maria Puig;
(February 2011)
Matters of care in technoscience: Assembling neglected things
Jakob Raffn;
Frederik Lassen;
Politics of Nature: The board game
Madeleine Akrich;
Actor Network Theory, Bruno Latour, and the CSI
Casper Bruun Jensen;
Exercises in Irreduction: Some Latourian Favourites
Sergio Sismondo;
In Memoriam: Bruno Latour (22 June 1947 – 9 October 2022)
Lin, Wen-yuan;
Law, John;
We Have Never Been Latecomers!? Making Knowledge Spaces for East Asian Technosocial Practices
Lynch, Michael;
(December 2011)
Editorial Introduction to Special Section on Ethnomethodology
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