Since the 1970s, Alexis de Tocqueville’s The Ancien Régime and the French Revolution has provided an intellectual linchpin for revisionist accounts of the French Revolution as a political event, divorced from socioeconomic logics. This article offers an alternative reading of this classic text. It argues that Tocqueville’s analysis grapples at a fundamental level with social change and tries to grasp its manifestations in processes of bureaucratization and abstraction. Read alongside Georg Lukács’ seminal analysis of modern rationalization as reification, it offers a suggestive take on capitalist transformation in eighteenth and nineteenth-century France. I suggest that in our current historiographical conjuncture, Tocqueville’s analysis can serve as a point of departure to understanding how capitalism invests all spheres of life, both material and ideational.
Oliver Cussen;
The Lives of Merchant Capital: The Frères Monneron and the Legacy of Old Regime Empire
Alexia Yates;
Erika Vause;
Beyond the dual revolution: revisiting capitalism in modern France
Fahad Ahmad Bishara;
A Sea of Debt: Law and Economic Life in the Western Indian Ocean, 1780–1950
Pierre-Yves Lacour;
La république naturaliste: collections d'histoire naturelle et révolution française (1789-1804)
Warren Schmaus;
Liberty and the Pursuit of Knowledge: Charles Renouvier's Political Philosophy of Science
Silvia Manzo;
Historiographical Approaches on Experience and Empiricism in the Early Nineteenth-Century: Degérando and Tennemann
Sabine Arnaud;
On Hysteria: The Invention of a Medical Category Between 1670 and 1820
Giovanni Silvano;
Ospedali e ospizi a Parigi dopo la Rivoluzione. Verso una più accurata diagnosi della patologia mentale
Giovanni Silvano;
La macchina del soccorso nella Francia rivoluzionaria. Verso la laicizzazione della cura
Quinlan, Sean;
Heredity, Reproduction, and Perfectibility in Revolutionary and Napoleonic France, 1789--1815
Goldstein, Jan;
The Post-Revolutionary Self: Politics and Psyche in France, 1750--1850
Gissis, Snait;
Interactions between Social and Biological Thinking: The Case of Lamarck
Perovic, Sanja;
The Calendar in Revolutionary France: Perceptions of Time in Literature, Culture, Politics
Lise Dumasy-Queffélec;
Hélène Spengler;
Médecine, sciences de la vie et littérature en France et en Europe de la révolution à nos jours
Spary, E. C.;
Feeding France: New Sciences of Food, 1760--1815
Giovanni Silvano;
Una sfida per l’amministrazione di ospedali e ospizi a Parigi dopo l’89
Alexander Cook;
‘The Great Society of the Human Species’: Volney and the Global Politics of Revolutionary France
Sean M. Quinlan;
Morbid Undercurrents: Medical Subcultures in Postrevolutionary France
Duyker, Edward;
Citizen Labillardière: A Naturalist's Life in Revolution and Exploration (1755-1834)
Walker, Mark;
“Ideologically-Correct” Science: The French Revolution
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