Article ID: CBB674263670

Tocqueville and the Consciousness of Capital (Reading The Ancien Régime with Lukács) (2020)


Since the 1970s, Alexis de Tocqueville’s The Ancien Régime and the French Revolution has provided an intellectual linchpin for revisionist accounts of the French Revolution as a political event, divorced from socioeconomic logics. This article offers an alternative reading of this classic text. It argues that Tocqueville’s analysis grapples at a fundamental level with social change and tries to grasp its manifestations in processes of bureaucratization and abstraction. Read alongside Georg Lukács’ seminal analysis of modern rationalization as reification, it offers a suggestive take on capitalist transformation in eighteenth and nineteenth-century France. I suggest that in our current historiographical conjuncture, Tocqueville’s analysis can serve as a point of departure to understanding how capitalism invests all spheres of life, both material and ideational.

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Authors & Contributors
Silvano, Giovanni
Quinlan, Sean M.
Arnaud, Sabine M.
Cook, Alexander
Duyker, Edward
Gissis, Snait B.
French History
Perspectives on Science
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
HOST: Journal of History of Science and Technology
Intellectual History Review
Cambridge University Press
Franco Angeli
Cornell University Press
Harvard University Press
Melbourne University Press
French Revolution of 1789
Medicine and politics
Science and society
Public health
Science and politics
Degérando, Joseph-Marie
Labillardière, Jacques-Julien Houtou de
Renouvier, Charles Bernard
Volney, Constantin François de
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Antoine Pierre de Monet de
Tennemann, Wilhelm Gottlieb
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
20th century
17th century
Paris (France)
North Africa
Indian Ocean
Levant and Near East

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