This paper attempts to answer the question if the skyline phenomenon of the reappearing Sun can be seen from several monuments as part of an Neolithic Orcadian culture? Several sites are evaluated. Within Maeshowe (a chambered cairn) one can experience the Winter Solstice Sun, but also the reappearing setting Sun some 20 days before/after Winter Solstice day behind Ward Hill and reappearing for a few minutes at the right slope of Ward Hill. This phenomenon looks not to have been witnessed in historic past. As this reappearing Sun is a phenomenon of the skyline (fore sight) due the steep slope of the two hills; it can also be witnessed at other locations (back sights) on Orkney. Based on visual 4D computer simulations; the Sun"s reappearance has been recorded at Ness of Brodgar and Breckness settlements in 1999. At that time Historic Environment Scotland was informed about the possible archaeological importance of the Ness of Brodgar and Breckness. Chance artefacts and recent excavations at Ness of Brodgar show that there is indeed significant archaeology in the form of a large likely ceremonial centre. Interviews were broadcasted in 1997, 2000 and 2012 by Radio Orkney and BBC Scotland to ask listeners/viewers for experiences around the reappearing Sun. This provided a link to a contemporary sighting of light reflections on Ward Hill. Several interpretations of the landscape with its built environment are provided: from the possible conscious perception of the reappearing Sun; through a symbolic link with the possibly sacred Hoy hills; to the incorporation of such foci into humanised space that links sky, land and humans with an annual rhythm: a possible pilgrim route.
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