Valleriani, Matteo (Author)
Federau, Beate (Author)
Nicolaeva, Olya (Author)
A corpus of 360 distinct early modern printed editions (from 1472 to 1650) containing Johannes de Sacrobosco’s Tractatus de sphaera is “dissected” into a corpus of 540 text-parts, 241 of them re-occurring at least once. Through the exploration of the data, we recognized a relevant position for four anonymous authors in their social network. We demonstrate that the text-parts originally assigned to the anonymous authors were authored or edited by Georg Rheticus. By means of data analysis, we conclusively establish that Rheticus profoundly impacted the content of such textbooks for the introductory class in geocentric astronomy all over Europe between 1538 and 1629. [End Page 407]
Matteo Valleriani;
De sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the early modern period
Jardine, Nicholas;
Launert, Dieter;
Segonds, Alain;
Mosley, Adam;
Tybjerg, Karin;
Tycho v. Ursus: The Build-up to a Trial, Part 1
Maryam Zamani;
Alejandro Tejedor;
Malte Vogl;
Florian Kräutli;
Matteo Valleriani;
Holger Kantz;
Evolution and Transformation of Early Modern Cosmological Knowledge: A Network Study
Folkerts, Menso;
Kühne, Andreas;
Astronomy as a Model for the Sciences in Early Modern Times: Papers from the International Symposium, Munich, 10--12 March 2003
Copernicus, Nicolaus;
Zekl, Hans Gunter;
Das neue Weltbild: drei Texte: Commentariolus, Brief gegen Werner, De revolutionibus I
Danielson, Dennis;
Achilles Gasser and the Birth of Copernicanism
Danielson, Dennis Richard;
The First Copernican: Georg Joachim Rheticus and the Rise of the Copernican Revolution
Jardine, Nicholas;
Segonds, Alain Philippe;
La guerre des astronomes: la querelle au sujet de l'origine du système géo-héliocentrique à la fin du XVIe siècle
Luís Miguel Carolino;
Geo-heliocentric controversies : the Jesuits, Tycho Brahe and the confessionalisation of science in seventeenth-century Lisbon
Graney, Christopher M.;
The Telescope against Copernicus: Star Observations by Riccioli Supporting a Geocentric Universe
Graney, Christopher M.;
Seeds of a Tychonic Revolution: Telescopic Observations of the Stars by Galileo Galilei and Simon Marius
Christopher M. Graney;
Mathematical Disquisitions: The Booklet of Theses Immortalized by Galileo
Castaldi, Francesco;
A Geocentrist without Vocation, Father Giovan Battista Riccioli
Spranzi-Zuber, Marta;
Galileo's “Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems”: Rhetoric and Dialogue
Essay Review
Andrea Gualandi;
Nuove stelle, scienza e società alla vigilia della Guerra dei Trent'anni
Katrin Bauer;
How to Imagine the Harmony of the World in the Seventeenth Century: The Harmonice mundi by Johannes Kepler
Laurence Wuidar;
L'interdetto della conoscenza: segreti celesti e arcani musicali nel Cinquecento e Seicento
Thierry Belleguic;
Ordre et désordre du monde: enquête sur les météores, de la Renaissance à l'âge moderne
Stefano Gattei;
The Phoenix and the Architect: The Frontispiece of Kepler's "Tabulae Rudolphinae"
Pietro Daniel Omodeo;
Riflessioni sul moto terrestre nel Rinascimento: tra filosofia naturale, meccanica e cosmologia
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