Book ID: CBB667201469

Leggere Jung (2020)


Mario Trevi (Author)

Carocci Editore

Publication Date: 2020
Physical Details: 212 pp.
Language: Italian

La figura di Carl Gustav Jung non ha mai smesso di attrarre l’interesse dei lettori e di quanti – psicoterapeuti, filosofi, teologi, antropologi, storici della scienza e della cultura – hanno trovato nelle sue opere spunti di riflessione critica. La lettura degli scritti junghiani, tuttavia, nonostante l’innegabile fascino della prosa, presenta spesso notevoli difficoltà. Sia la quantità impressionante di riferimenti culturali, sia lo stile allusivo e quasi profetico di certe pagine, sia i paradossi o addirittura le contraddizioni emergenti anche nell’arco della stessa opera possono talvolta disorientare il lettore. Leggere Jung costituisce proprio una guida alla lettura dello psicologo svizzero, attraverso l’analisi dei suoi due libri più densi dal punto di vista teorico: Tipi psicologici e L’Io e l’inconscio. [Abstract translated by Google Translate: This is the abstract in English… The figure of Carl Gustav Jung has never ceased to attract the interest of readers and of those - psychotherapists, philosophers, theologians, anthropologists, historians of science and culture - who have found food for critical reflection in his works. Reading Jungian writings, however, despite the undeniable charm of the prose, often presents considerable difficulties. Both the impressive quantity of cultural references, the allusive and almost prophetic style of certain pages, and the paradoxes or even contradictions emerging even within the same work can sometimes disorient the reader. Reading Jung constitutes a guide to reading the Swiss psychologist, through the analysis of his two most dense books from a theoretical point of view: Psychological Types and The Ego and the Unconscious.< /i>]

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Authors & Contributors
Akavia, Naamah
Bergengruen, Maximilian
Berger, Harmut
Burston, Daniel
Chiang, Howard Hsueh-Hao
Engstrom, Eric J.
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
History of Psychiatry
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
Archiwum Historii i Filozofii Medycyny
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
History of Psychology
Daimon Verlag
Duquesne University Press
Jonas Verlag
Princeton University Press
Clinical psychology
Mental disorders and diseases
Psychiatric hospitals
Binswanger, Ludwig
Jung, Carl Gustav
Binet, Alfred
Bleuler, Eugen
Breton, André
Freud, Sigmund
Time Periods
20th century, early
20th century
19th century
21st century
16th century
20th century, late
Soviet Union
North Africa
Maudsley Hospital (England)

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