Article ID: CBB661662194

Dragon's Blood or the Red Delusion: Textual Tradition, Craftsmanship, and Discovery in the Early Modern Period (2023)


This article explores the plurality of referents associated with the term “dragon's blood” (“sanguis draconis”), a legendary substance that brings together Greco-Roman and Arabic medical knowledge, local vernacular traditions and artisanal practices, and new Spanish and Portuguese botanical discoveries. The study of dragon's blood reveals the interface between overlapping epistemic paradigms governing the definition, use, and circulation of complex material substances in early modern Europe, ranging from humanist learned discussions and artisanal experimentation to vernacular narratives of discovery, along with the shifting criteria of truth, authenticity, and value advocated by different communities of learning and practice.

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Authors & Contributors
Bos, Gerrit
Castagnetti, Giuseppe
Cavallo, Sandra
Chen, Yue
Ciarallo, Annamaria
Divarci, Lindy
Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
L'Erma di Bretschneider
Il lavoro editoriale
Crafts and craftspeople
Natural history
Science and art
Culpeper, Nicholas
Ray, John
Zilsel, Edgar
Time Periods
Early modern
16th century
17th century
Great Britain
Paris (France)
Rome (Italy)
Royal Society of London

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