Düppe, Till (Author)
The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Laxenburg, Austria, was founded during the period of détente in 1972 to bring scientists from East and West together to research shared problems and thus to build a “bridge” between the two opposed systems. The underlying image of knowledge at the institute was in stark contrast to the intellectual culture established in East Germany. Contributing to our understanding of the history of Cold War knowledge transfer, this essay reconstructs East Germany’s ambivalent and complex role at IIASA. Even if participation was considered important for displaying East German science, the essay argues that East Germany’s contribution was caught up in the perception of the Western scholar as a class enemy. It illustrates this by examining the best-documented case: that of Harry Maier, a social scientist who spent two years at IIASA between 1978 and 1980 and then, in 1986, used a conference visit to escape from East Germany.
Liza Soutschek;
Wissenschaftskooperation und -konkurrenz im Kalten Krieg: Die deutsch-deutsche Dimension des Internationalen Instituts für Angewandte Systemanalyse
Stephen C. Slota;
Negotiating Science through Policy: EarthCube, Infrastructure and Policy-Relevant Science
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Authority Claims Situating Socialist Science Studies in the GDR
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A Scientific Visit to the USSR in 1963
Julia Sittmann;
Illusions of care: Iraqi students between the Ba’thist State and the Stasi in socialist East Germany, 1958–89
Aso, Michitake;
Guénel, Annick;
The Itinerary of a North Vietnamese Surgeon: Medical Science and Politics during the Cold War
Launius, Roger D.;
An Unintended Consequence of the IGY: Eisenhower, Sputnik, and the Founding of NASA
Egle Rindzeviciute;
The Power of Systems: How Policy Sciences Opened Up the Cold War World
Urban, Wayne J.;
More Than Science and Sputnik: The National Defense Education Act of 1958
Gavin, Francis J.;
Nuclear Statecraft: History and Strategy in America's Atomic Age
McNeill, John R.;
Unger, Corinna R.;
Environmental Histories of the Cold War
Essay Review
Yearley, Steven;
Mercer, David;
Pitman, Andy;
Oreskes, Naomi;
Conway, Erik;
Perspectives on Global Warming
Turner, Jonathan;
Politics and Defence Research in the Cold War
Mirowski, Philip;
Science-Mart: Privatizing American Science
Levin, Matthew;
Cold War University: Madison and the New Left in the Sixties
Rubinson, Paul Harold;
Containing Science: The U.S. National Security State and Scientists' Challenge to Nuclear Weapons during the Cold War
Martina Kölbl-Ebert;
Closing the iron curtain: how geologists in Berlin experienced the cold war era
Reidy, Michael Sean;
The flux and reflux of science: The study of the tides and the organization of early Victorian science (Great Britain, William Whewell)
Donig, Simon;
Appropriating American Technology in the 1960s: Cold War Politics and the GDR Computer Industry
Maddrell, Paul;
Spying on Science: Western Intelligence in Divided Germany 1945--1961
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