Article ID: CBB656710573

Animism and science in European perspective (2024)


The European tradition makes a sharp distinction between animism and science. On the basis of this distinction, either animism is reproved for failing to reach the heights of science, or science is reproved for failing to reach the heights of animism. In this essay, I draw on work in the history and philosophy and science, combined with a method from the sociology of scientific knowledge, to question the sharpness of this distinction. Along the way, I also take guidance from the research of North American Indigenous scholars. As it turns out, there is a rich, if largely overlooked, tradition of Aristotelian animism running through the history of modern European science, and this tradition sometimes resonates with Indigenous perspectives. By challenging the entrenched distinction between animism and science, I aim to help reconcile ongoing tensions between Indigenous and European scientific groups, and so strengthen prospects for their mutually beneficial cooperation.

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Authors & Contributors
Blum, Paul Richard
Borghero, Carlo
Carvallo, Sarah
Cook, Margaret G.
Etchegaray, Claire
Gierer, Alfred
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
Journal of Global History
Perspectives on Science
Cambridge University Press
Johns Hopkins University Press
Science and religion
Philosophy of science
Natural philosophy
Controversies and disputes
Boyle, Robert
Cusanus, Nicolaus
Eden, Richard
Gilbert, William
Hoffmann, Friedrich
Time Periods
17th century
18th century
Early modern
16th century
North America
United States
Jesuits (Society of Jesus)

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