Article ID: CBB653286366

Contingentism for historians (2022)


In this paper, I will propose a formulation of the contingentism/inevitabilism (C/I) debate that does not require of alternatives to present-day scientific theories that they are equally successful, but rather asks whether they are historically possible. I argue that the debate has already, over the past decades, moved towards a more historical interpretation of the issue, and that it is worth exploring what it would entail to let go of normative considerations altogether. Different answers to inevitability questions still retain the philosophical relevance that originally led Ian Hacking to explore philosophical disagreement in terms of the contingentism/inevitabilism debate.1

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Authors & Contributors
Boantza, Victor D.
Cooper, Rachel
Dascal, Marcelo
Davis, Todd Newman
Dietrich, Michael R.
Goodwin, William
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
Biology and Philosophy
History of the Human Sciences
Perspectives on Science
Duke University
John Benjamins Pub. Co.
University of Pittsburgh Press
Springer International Publishing
Philosophy of science
Development of science; change in science
Controversies and disputes
Theories of knowledge
Methodology of science; scientific method
Hacking, Ian
Foucault, Michel
Kuhn, Thomas S.
Bachelard, Gaston
Canguilhem, Georges
Cartwright, Nancy
Time Periods
20th century
16th century
17th century
20th century, late
21st century
Early modern

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