Article ID: CBB635458781

Why the Rediscoverer Ended up on the Sidelines: Hugo De Vries’s Theory of Inheritance and the Mendelian Laws (2015)


Eleven years before the ‘rediscovery’ in 1900 of Mendel’s work, Hugo De Vries published his theory of heredity. He expected his theory to become a big success, but it was not well-received. To find supporting evidence for this theory De Vries started an extensive research program. Because of the parallels of his ideas with the Mendelian laws and because of his use of statistics, he became one of the rediscoverers. However, the Mendelian laws, which soon became the foundation of a new discipline of genetics, presented a problem. De Vries was the only one of the early Mendelians who had developed his own theory of heredity. His theory could not be brought in line with the Mendelian laws. But because his original theory was still very dear to him, something important was at stake and he was unwilling to adapt his ideas to the new situation. He belittled the importance of the Mendelian laws and ended up on the sidelines.

Included in

Article Erik L. Peterson; Kostas Kampourakis (2015) The Paradigmatic Mendel at the Sesquicentennial of “Versuche über Pflantzen-Hybriden”: Introduction to the Thematic Issue. Science and Education (pp. 1-8). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg
Tudge, Colin
Zevenhuizen, Erik J. A.
Coesèl, Marga
Deichmann, Ute
Edwards, A. W. F.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
Science and Education
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
Filosofia e História da Biologia
Folia Mendeliana Musei Moravia
Greenwood Press
Hill & Wang
Jonathan Cape
University of Chicago Press
Mendelism; Mendelian inheritance
Mendel's law
Mendel, Gregor Johann
Vries, Hugo Marie de
Weismann, August
Darwin, Charles Robert
Galton, Francis
Correns, Carl Erich
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
20th century, early
21st century
Great Britain
Cambridge University
Human Genome Project

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