Article ID: CBB633976079

Trade, Finance, and Industry in the Development of Indian Capitalism: The Case of Tata (Autumn 2020)


This article rethinks the relationship between trade and industry in the development of Indian capitalism, focusing on Tata, pioneers in textile and steel production. It shows how two little-known affiliated trading companies, R.D. Tata & Co. in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Kobe, and Tata Limited in London, played a crucial intermediary role in securing financing and market access for the parent firm in Bombay while simultaneously increasing its exposure to the effects of global crises. Tata's ultimately dominant position in a protected national economy was due to the contingent failure of these trading companies rather than a foregone conclusion.

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Authors & Contributors
Birch, Kean
Kobrak, Christopher
Michie, Ranald
Levy, Jonathan
Loveland, Aura Lee
Garrett-Scott, Shennette
Business History Review
Economic History Review
Science, Technology, and Human Values
Oxford University Press
University of Toronto Press
Cambridge University Press
Campus Verlag
Columbia University Press
Edward Elgar
Business history
Banks and banking
Economic history
Family-owned business enterprises
Keynes, John Maynard, 1st Baron
Veblen, Thorstein Bunde
Shibusawa Eiichi
Time Periods
20th century
21st century
19th century
20th century, early
Early modern
United States
Great Britain
Bank of England
Tata (firm)

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