Article ID: CBB633788748

Mary Astell’s Theory of Spiritual Friendship (2018)


Mary Astell’s theory of friendship has been interpreted either as a version of Aristotelian virtue friendship, or as aligned with a Christian and Platonist tradition. In this paper, I argue that Astell’s theory of friendship is determinedly anti-Aristotelian; it is a theory of spiritual friendship offered as an alternative to Aristotelian virtue friendship. By grounding her conception of friendship in a Christian–Platonist metaphysics, I show that Astell rejects the Aristotelian criteria of reciprocity and partiality as essential features of the friendship bond and that she develops a theory of friendship that is neither reciprocal nor partial. Further, I argue that Astell’s theory of friendship advances her feminist aims by providing a justification for female–female spiritual bonds in contradistinction to female–male marriage bonds. Astell argues that the female–female bond of spiritual friendship is sanctioned by God, and is, therefore, a divinely authorized alternative to the male–female bond of marriage. Through her theory of spiritual friendship, Astell marks out a central place for female–female bonds and provides women with a justification for resisting marriage.

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Authors & Contributors
Albanese, Catherine L.
Amaro, Jacqueline de Souza
Crasta, Francesca Maria
Crocker, Robert
Dillon, John M.
Dong-Yuan, Tai
Journal of the History of Philosophy
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
Religion and American Culture: A Journal of Interpretation
Science in Context
Ashgate Publishing
Johns Hopkins University Press
Kluwer Academic
Astell, Mary
Abélard, Pierre
Assmann, Jan
Barbauld, Anna Letitia
Behn, Aphra
Time Periods
19th century
17th century
18th century
20th century, early
16th century
United States
Great Britain
Université de Montpellier
Collegio Braidense di Milano

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