Review ID: CBB632149693

Review of "Colonizing Animals: Interspecies Empire in Myanmar" (2024)


Jonathan Saha's Colonizing Animals weaves animals into many of the key events in the modern history of Myanmar (formerly Burma), including British colonization (1824–1948) and Japanese occupation (1942–45). Colonial Myanmar, often overlooked in histories of the British Empire, is shown to be a context in which “myriad” nonhuman animals participated in the “making and maintenance” of the empire (184). Pushing beyond the single-species focus of much animal history, Saha demonstrates how the plethora of elephants, crocodiles, monkeys, dogs, and other animals clash and collide with humans throughout the text's six chapters.

Review Of

Book Jonathan Saha (2021) Colonizing Animals: Interspecies Empire in Myanmar. unapi

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