Article ID: CBB631454322

“At a Glance:” The Role of Diagrammatic Representations in Eugenics Appropriations of the “Infamous Juke Family” (2024)


The case of the Juke family is one of the most notable episodes of the history of eugenics in the USA. The Jukes were initially brought to the fore in the 1870s by a famous investigation that aimed at estimating the interplay of heredity and environment in determining the problems of poverty and crime. This inquiry triggered a harsh confrontation between two polar interpretations of the study, an “environmentalist” one and a “hereditarian” one. It was with the later reassessment of the case made by the Eugenics American Office (ERO) in the 1910s that the controversy was considered closed with the victory of the eugenicists’ hereditarian stance. As a result, the family was made a living proof of the alleged hereditary nature of crime and pauperism and a case study in support of the eugenicists’ plea for the sterilization of people deemed the bearers of hereditary defectiveness. In this article, I explore the role played by pedigrees and other diagrammatic representations in the eugenicists’ appropriation of the meaning of the case of the Juke family and the role played by this appropriation in asserting the superiority of the ERO’s method of work over rival approaches.

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Authors & Contributors
Baker, Graham
Brown, S.
Dorr, Gregory Michael
Dyck, Erika
Edwards, A. W. F.
Gillette, Aaron
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Canadienne d'Histoire de la Medecine
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Michigan State University
Duke University Press
Indiana University Press
Johns Hopkins University Press
Manchester University Press
Palgrave Macmillan
Science and race
Birth control; contraception; sterilization
Public health
Galton, Francis
Booth, William
Davenant, Charles
Forel, August Henri
Goddard, Henry Herbert
Laughlin, Harry Hamilton
Time Periods
20th century, early
19th century
18th century
20th century
20th century, late
United States
Great Britain
North America
Cambridge University
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Anthropologie, Menschliche Erblehre und Eugenik

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