Secord, James A. (Author)
The late 1960s witnessed a key conjunction between political activism and the history of science. Science, whether seen as a touchstone of rationality or of oppression, was fundamental to all sides in the era of the Vietnam War. This essay examines the historian Robert Maxwell Young's turn to Marxism and radical politics during this period, especially his widely cited account of the ‘common context’ of nineteenth-century biological and social theorizing, which demonstrated the centrality of Thomas Robert Malthus's writings on population for Charles Darwin's formulation of the theory of evolution by natural selection. From Young's perspective, this history was bound up with pressing contemporary issues: ideologies of class and race in neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory, the revival of Malthusian population control, and the role of science in military conflict. The aim was to provide a basis for political action – the ‘head revolution’ that would accompany radical social change. The radical force of Young's argument was blunted in subsequent decades by disciplinary developments within history of science, including the emergence of specialist Darwin studies, a focus on practice and the changing political associations of the history of ideas. Young's engaged standpoint, however, has remained influential even as historians moved from understanding science as ideology to science as work.
Werskey, Gary;
The Marxist Critique of Capitalist Science: A History in Three Movements?
Bowler, Peter J.;
Malthus, Darwin, and the concept of struggle
Ariew, André;
Under the Influence of Malthus's Law of Population Growth: Darwin Eschews the Statistical Techniques of Aldolphe Quetelet
Schwartz, Joel S.;
Charles Darwin's debt to Malthus and Edward Blyth
Kailer, Thomas;
Wissen und Plausibilität. Der Konstruktionsgehalt biologistischer Sozialtheorien um 1900 und ihre gesellschaftspolitische Wirksamkeit
Roberts, Edwin A.;
From the History of Science to the Science of History: Scientists and Historians in the Shaping of British Marxist Theory
Pietro D. Omodeo;
After Nikolai Bukharin: History of Science and Cultural Hegemony at the Threshold of the Cold War Era
Chilvers, C. A. J.;
The Dilemmas of Seditious Men: The Crowther-Hessen Correspondence in the 1930s
Hale, Piers J.;
Political Descent: Malthus, Mutualism, and the Politics of Evolution in Victorian England
Lepistö, Antti;
Revisiting the Left-Wing Response to Sociobiology: The Case of Finland in a European Context
Beck, Naomi;
La gauche évolutionniste. Spencer et ses lecteurs en France et en Italie
Mirjam Luisa Voerkelius;
Evolution in Times of Revolution: Darwinism, Nature, and Society in the Soviet Union
Kefalis, Christos;
Michio Kaku, a Radical Scientist
Ian Hesketh;
The Making of John Tyndall's Darwinian Revolution
Voss, Julia;
The Curatorial Turn in the Darwin Year 2009
Setoguchi, Akihisa;
Darwin Commemorations and Three Generations of Historians of Biology
Ian Hesketh;
Ruth Barton;
Evelleen Richards;
Down under Darwin: Australasian perspectives on Darwin Studies
Michael A. Flannery;
Nature's Prophet: Alfred Russel Wallace and His Evolution from Natural Selection to Natural Theology
Bernard Lightman;
The Darwin Correspondence Project and Pedagogy
Grosz, Elizabeth;
Becoming Undone: Darwinian Reflections on Life, Politics, and Art
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