Nichols, Tiffany (Author)
What happens when disturbances in precision measurement instruments are indecipherable to physicists despite extensive review of the instruments and their outputs? How do physicists parse instrument outputs to discern sought-after signals from noise that originates from the surrounding natural and built environments, either masking or mimicking these desired signals? I argue that given the extreme sensitivity of the laser interferometers used by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) to detect minute length deformations caused by gravitational waves, physicists reconceptualized their traditional laboratory spaces to include the surrounding natural and built environments. Discerning signal from noise in instruments operating close to their low noise floors necessitate an epistemic shift that combines the laboratory with the surrounding natural and built environments beyond its walls through the epistemic space of the “expanded laboratory environment.”
Massimo Bassan;
Adele La Rana;
Gravitational interferometers in Italy 1976: a first timid attempt. And a missed opportunity
Adele La Rana;
Leopoldo Milano;
The early history of gravitational wave detection in Italy: from the first resonant bars to the beginning of the Virgo collaboration
Collins, H. M.;
LIGO Becomes Big Science
Tiffany Nichols;
Constructing Stillness: Theorization, Discovery, Interrogation, and Negotiation of the Expanded Laboratory of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory
Alessandra Buonanno;
Kip S. Thorne;
Harry Collins;
Don Howard;
Professor Diana K. Buchwald;
Tilman Sauer;
Barry C. Barish;
Daniel Kennefick;
Jürgen Renn;
Jed Z. Buchwald;
Einstein Was Right: The Science and History of Gravitational Waves
Davis, John;
Lovell, Bernard;
Robert Hanbury Brown (1916--2002)
Nosov, Yu. R.;
The Development of Photodiodes and Lasers: The Contribution of Russian Scientists
Mody, Cyrus C. M.;
The sounds of science: Listening to laboratory practice
Lea Leppik;
Parrot’s Laboratory in the Borderland
Sibum, H. Otto;
Experience-Experiment: The Changing Experiential Basis of Physics
Linn, Mott;
Photographs from 1892: Clark University's New Laboratories for Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
Greenslade, Thomas B., Jr.;
Equipping a Physics Laboratory
Doing, Park;
Velvet Revolution at the Synchrotron: Biology, Physics, and Change in Science
Staley, Richard;
The Interferometer and the Spectroscope: Michelson's Standards and the Spectroscopic Community
Orchiston, Wayne;
Mathewson, Don;
Chris Christiansen and the Chris Cross
Norris, Ray P.;
Kesteven, M. J.;
The Life and Times of the Parkes-Tidbinbilla Interferometer
Virginia Trimble;
Wired by Weber
G. Pizzella;
Birth and Initial Developments of Experiments with Resonant Detectors Searching for Gravitational Waves
Collins, Harry;
Gravity's Ghost and Big Dog: Scientific Discovery and Social Analysis in the Twenty-First Century
Franklin, Allan;
Gravity Waves and Neutrinos: The Later Work of Joseph Weber
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